Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Here We Go!

One of the photos is from a workshop we held last week for workcamp churches if they weren't able to put together their own. The second photo is of Allie picking blackberries. We found a wild blackberry bush down by the pool and that started the obsession. On the way home from church the other day, I saw cascades of blackberries by the road. I have been back twice now...Allie made muffins with some of them. It really takes me back to when Grandmother used to dress us in long pants & long sleeved shirts & we would go & pick blackberries for her to make jam. So much fun!

I have butterflies in my stomach....it always happens the week before camp. It is a mixture of anxiety, dread and just plain yuck! Once I see all the other folks that are on staff though, it all just melts away. I have learned just to expect it and deal with it.

Al still hasn't heard from VCU graduate school....nor the job she applied for. She is really dealing well with being in limbo....it's tough!

Tonight we put up the walls in the gym....Thursday the building inspector takes a look at it. I take a van load of "stuff'" to the school tonight.....John has Bible Study tonight at 7pm. I have many loose ends to take care of, but yet, here I am typing on the internet! Goofy me!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

It's Always Something!!

The picture is of Allie & our newest little addition, Louie. He is MUCH better after his surgery for kidney stones. It was rough going for a little bit, but he is a scrappy little fellow who had to finn for himself for quite awhile. We have fallen madly in love with him. Our other dear pup, Will, is now pretty deaf....and his sight is going...but he still knows routines, plays and eats, so he's happy with Louie around too.

Working at home has it's advantages, but disadvantages also. There's always something that comes up to distract me away from what I need to be doing. Day before yesterday, our satellite TV went out....Direct TV came & gave me the news that there was no "line of vision" for the satellite beam....the trees in the distance had grown too tall for the signal to get over. They suggested DISH network because their satellites were in a different part of the sky. To make a long story short, "Bryan" from Dish Network spent most of the day with us installing a new system....he was more than terrific & John is happy with THE DAILY SHOW tonight! So thankful....it was looking like we were going to have to live like the Amish!

Paul B. came today & spent the day with Allie around the pool. It's ALWAYS good to have him around!

Alicia felt the best she's felt in a long time tonight. Ellen is coming home from a week long retreat in NC tomorrow.

Jeffrey was awarded 3rd place in the STATE level school bus ROADEO competition in Norfolk today. They said he touched a cone with the bus....cost him 50 points....otherwise he would have won. Third place isn't bad for the final state competition tho!!!

There are ticks everywhere! Everytime I go outside....I find them! UGH!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Movin' Right Along

The photo is from one of the mini-workshops at Billy Clark's. It's so exciting to see brand new teens. One little guy's hands were trembling when he used the tools. I can't wait to see him come in from the job on Monday of camp with his hat on backwards and a big grin on his face!

There are so many details to take care of, but this time of year is always very challenging & emotional for me. Added to this is little Louie, our little found yorkie. He had kidney stones & was not in good shape for several days. It's hard to see a little animalsugger & not know what to do!

Al's endo has been rearing it's ugly head lately so that's been difficult to watch. Al is very good at handling it, it's just hard.

Alicia is facing a difficult time, but I think she is doing terrific considering. Her total body PET scan was clear, so her cancer is staying at Stage 3c.....next is chemo & radiation.

I have LOVEd going out behind the pool & picking wild blackberries. It reminds me of when Grandmother used to dress us kids up in long sleeves and we would head out to pick buckets & buckets of wild blackberries for her to make into jam. I think Al & I will make some little tarts today!

I am SO looking forward to being with my workcamp family & my own family in JULY! IT is such a blessing for me!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Treading Water!

Photo is of Edyth & I in Morganton, NC the other weekend for Joseph's wedding. I am feverishly sending out tshirts in the mail. The workshops in Colonial Heights at Billy Clark's are this week.

I've finally finished assessing houses for both camps...well, I just need one for week #2. We have some wonderful residents for the kids to get to know this year! It's going to be SO MUCH FUN!

John delivered a tough sermon this past Sunday. He "came out of the closet" and talked about his support of gay rights. I hope to get it up and on his blog later today. Just much to do, much to do!


Friday, June 3, 2011

I've Waited Too Long To Write!

All of the photos are from Joseph & Leah's wedding this past Memorial Day weekend in Morganton, NC. Joseph is Edyth's nephew that is studying at Columbia Presbyterian Seminary in GA. It was one of the most fun & memoriable weddings I have ever attended! Such a terrific time with friends.

I have waited almost a month to write in this journal, and now I just don't know where to begin recounting everything. Allie has applied for grad school in VCU's History department. Her ideal is to get in and then get into another university that has a religious studies program. That's where her heart lies right now.

John has been making changes by leaps & bounds. He packed up and headed to upstate NY to visit friends and family ALL BY HIMSELF the other week! So proud of him as he scooted down the driveway in his new little Honda Civic. He is overcoming a lot! After he returned, he went down to Hampton to have breakfast with Annie and some of her family! This Sunday is a pretty controversial sermon....will talk later.

Jeff, Jon David and family came up for some pool fun and food on Memorial Day. The nieces are coming to workcamp this year with three friends and a teacher from their school! Jon & Jeff will BOTH be on staff this year! LOVE it! Elaine plans to come up a couple days & help out the "cuisine team".

The new tshirts are in and are quite a sight! Out theme this year is "It's A Big World....SING LOUD!" I'll try to post a photo of the new shirts.

We a loving our "little boys". Will, our porky Yorkie, is going to be 13 years old this month. And our little new found 6 year old Yorkie, Louie, is the total opposite. John & I are having lots of entertainment and laughs from them!

I guess the biggest story is about Alicia. She had a double mastectomy. They took out 19 lymph nodes & there was cancer in all of them. She is back in the hospital because of diverticulitis that flaired up after she came home. This is really tough, but I have hope....I hope she does....

We are really enjoying our Tuesday nite Bible studies...we have them every other week. It's a great little discussion group. So many different personalities!

OK....I'll stop for now. Workcamp is calling and June is crunch month for me....so much to do! It's all good tho! It is a godsend.