Friday, June 3, 2011

I've Waited Too Long To Write!

All of the photos are from Joseph & Leah's wedding this past Memorial Day weekend in Morganton, NC. Joseph is Edyth's nephew that is studying at Columbia Presbyterian Seminary in GA. It was one of the most fun & memoriable weddings I have ever attended! Such a terrific time with friends.

I have waited almost a month to write in this journal, and now I just don't know where to begin recounting everything. Allie has applied for grad school in VCU's History department. Her ideal is to get in and then get into another university that has a religious studies program. That's where her heart lies right now.

John has been making changes by leaps & bounds. He packed up and headed to upstate NY to visit friends and family ALL BY HIMSELF the other week! So proud of him as he scooted down the driveway in his new little Honda Civic. He is overcoming a lot! After he returned, he went down to Hampton to have breakfast with Annie and some of her family! This Sunday is a pretty controversial sermon....will talk later.

Jeff, Jon David and family came up for some pool fun and food on Memorial Day. The nieces are coming to workcamp this year with three friends and a teacher from their school! Jon & Jeff will BOTH be on staff this year! LOVE it! Elaine plans to come up a couple days & help out the "cuisine team".

The new tshirts are in and are quite a sight! Out theme this year is "It's A Big World....SING LOUD!" I'll try to post a photo of the new shirts.

We a loving our "little boys". Will, our porky Yorkie, is going to be 13 years old this month. And our little new found 6 year old Yorkie, Louie, is the total opposite. John & I are having lots of entertainment and laughs from them!

I guess the biggest story is about Alicia. She had a double mastectomy. They took out 19 lymph nodes & there was cancer in all of them. She is back in the hospital because of diverticulitis that flaired up after she came home. This is really tough, but I have hope....I hope she does....

We are really enjoying our Tuesday nite Bible studies...we have them every other week. It's a great little discussion group. So many different personalities!

OK....I'll stop for now. Workcamp is calling and June is crunch month for much to do! It's all good tho! It is a godsend.

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