Saturday, June 18, 2011

Movin' Right Along

The photo is from one of the mini-workshops at Billy Clark's. It's so exciting to see brand new teens. One little guy's hands were trembling when he used the tools. I can't wait to see him come in from the job on Monday of camp with his hat on backwards and a big grin on his face!

There are so many details to take care of, but this time of year is always very challenging & emotional for me. Added to this is little Louie, our little found yorkie. He had kidney stones & was not in good shape for several days. It's hard to see a little animalsugger & not know what to do!

Al's endo has been rearing it's ugly head lately so that's been difficult to watch. Al is very good at handling it, it's just hard.

Alicia is facing a difficult time, but I think she is doing terrific considering. Her total body PET scan was clear, so her cancer is staying at Stage is chemo & radiation.

I have LOVEd going out behind the pool & picking wild blackberries. It reminds me of when Grandmother used to dress us kids up in long sleeves and we would head out to pick buckets & buckets of wild blackberries for her to make into jam. I think Al & I will make some little tarts today!

I am SO looking forward to being with my workcamp family & my own family in JULY! IT is such a blessing for me!

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