Thursday, June 23, 2011

It's Always Something!!

The picture is of Allie & our newest little addition, Louie. He is MUCH better after his surgery for kidney stones. It was rough going for a little bit, but he is a scrappy little fellow who had to finn for himself for quite awhile. We have fallen madly in love with him. Our other dear pup, Will, is now pretty deaf....and his sight is going...but he still knows routines, plays and eats, so he's happy with Louie around too.

Working at home has it's advantages, but disadvantages also. There's always something that comes up to distract me away from what I need to be doing. Day before yesterday, our satellite TV went out....Direct TV came & gave me the news that there was no "line of vision" for the satellite beam....the trees in the distance had grown too tall for the signal to get over. They suggested DISH network because their satellites were in a different part of the sky. To make a long story short, "Bryan" from Dish Network spent most of the day with us installing a new system....he was more than terrific & John is happy with THE DAILY SHOW tonight! So was looking like we were going to have to live like the Amish!

Paul B. came today & spent the day with Allie around the pool. It's ALWAYS good to have him around!

Alicia felt the best she's felt in a long time tonight. Ellen is coming home from a week long retreat in NC tomorrow.

Jeffrey was awarded 3rd place in the STATE level school bus ROADEO competition in Norfolk today. They said he touched a cone with the bus....cost him 50 points....otherwise he would have won. Third place isn't bad for the final state competition tho!!!

There are ticks everywhere! Everytime I go outside....I find them! UGH!

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