Friday, March 23, 2012

IT's Late...& I'm not Asleep...

Well, this weekend will be strange indeed. It will be the first time Allie has not been with us on her birthday. Yep, she'll be 25 years old on Saturday, March 24th and it is so hard to believe. She'll be home in a week though for spring break....home all the first week of April. She flies back to Atlanta on Easter Sunday.

John finished up his Lent services at Prince George Christian. He doesn't have anything to prepare for until Sunday after next....I'm sure he'll get antsy!

Workcamp applications are flowing in, so I am keypunching all day getting all the names in about ten different data bases for name tags, crews, emergency phone numbers....etc. It's exciting to see who is coming!

I've been spraying weed killer in the paver cracks. It's long term "stuff" so it should keep the grass from growing all summer. I finished the front and side and halfway around the pool....don't like doing it's creepy stuff!

Speaking of the pool, I guess we'll start the pump up this weekend. It's getting really cloudy standing still with the pollen building up. I have NO IDEA where the winter went this year! I started putting screens back in the windows also...

John's son, Paul, had hip replacement surgery ....doing great....

Alicia has shingles...yes, I said shingles. She was hurting really badly under her arm where the radiation was concentrated....then saw blisters and the rest is history. WHEW! They are heading to N.C. this weekend so that Ellen can visit Gardner-Webb College, Alicia's old Alma Mater.

Tomorrow will be the 28 years since my dad passed away....seems like yesterday...

OK...I'm falling asleep at the computer....

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