Monday, March 26, 2012


Just a picture of Edith &'s was her birthday this past month. It's a great photo....

I don't know where winter went. There are so many things to do around here...We may start the pool up because the weather has been so warm and the water standing still is not a good thing when the temp is up.

We need to pull up pavers at the front steps, but John & I neither want to go under the house after the big SNAKE appeared last year....we've been waiting until the weather was good but COLD, but I guess that's not gonna happen. Today...I think I'll just clean and set out the hummingbird feeders.

Al is overwhelmed with school and that translates to me being frustrated here at home....nuff said.

Workcamp is going like steam roller....applications coming in...and the bigger picture is's always a miracle to watch all of it fall together!

I am terrified about my colonoscopy on Thursday....don't know why....I have had countless medical things, so I don't know why this one procedure is un-nerving me! I will be SO GLAD when it is over!

I bought the book, THE HUNGER GAMES today just to see what it is all about. I know it is extremely popular and almost a cult thing like Harry Potter, so I figured I better be up on it. The movie came out this past weekend.

The hummingbird feeders call....:)

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