Sunday, November 30, 2014


The house is abuzz, yet it's not hurried or rushed.  Thanksgiving was such a good day.  It was John, I, Al, Ben, Ellen, Kent, and their grandfolks.  As you can see by the pic, Ellen and her grandma Ellen cooked the turkey and some pies.  Al and I did the rest.  We had so much fun in the kitchen together, and I am definitely not one to linger in the kitchen!  We ate until
we were totally stuffed.  Then Allie and Ben headed to Richmond to see the Portyratas .  Jenn came over with Jackson so we lured him with toys into taking steps around the house.

John and I took a ride earlier in the week down to Toano to see Glenn & Sheila.  We shared Subway and lots of good conversation.  They are both in their 90s and still just as in touch with the goings on in the world as ever!

Last night Allie was making wedding favors.  I can't say too much about them because we don't want to give away the idea!  Let's just say it involved a beautiful "P" rubber stamp and a calligraphy pen.
The boys are anxious to cut wood, but the chain saw isn't cooperating.  It's off to the repair shop now and am thankful that it's still under warrenty!
Today is Sunday.  John is getting ready to visit another local church.  He's been going to a different church each Sunday....seeing old friends and getting inspiration.  Me...I'm still worship at the Church of the Inner Springs.  Oh, and I'll be heading to the grocery store soon before the after church rush for chicken!

Saturday, November 22, 2014


This past year has been one of many changes for the Petersburg Romaines.  Many of them major life experiences.  I guess that's why I'm up at 3am, having coffee and on Facebook.  Usually I sleep like nobody's business, but I'm up so I'll catch up.
Al and I went down to the Old Union Train Station in Petersburg to meet with "Patty", who will be
Old Union Train Station
Blandford Church 

catering Ben & Allie's wedding.  They will be married November 7, 2015 at historic Blandford Church and then ride down the hill to the old train station for the reception.  We are having so much fun planning and having a year to do the planning is a dream.
It's been a difficult year of job searching for Al, but if all goes well, she will have a job very soon.  I don't want to jinx it, so I won't say anymore.

Since John & I have left Tabernacle Church, it has been quite an adjustment for him.  It has been many years since he hasn't either had a church to pastor or a full time job with the government.  He is finding his niche though.  It's hard for him to just RELAX!
We absolutely LOVE following the VCU RAMS Men's Basketball team!  Tickets are way expensive, so we curl up in bed and yell at the television screen!  Coach Shaka Smart has quite a team this year.
Weber dunking
   It's been a year since my best friend, Alicia, passed away from breast cancer.  We have traveled a journey with her kids since her death.  Going  abandonment, eviction (well, you name it, their dad has done it!) has made this past year challenging.   It's all good now though.  They have a cute place to live, more extended family (from workcamp) and a bright future.
My Uncle Bill (mom's brother) passed away last month so we all gathered for a memorial service.  It was so good to see all the cousins and spend time with Susan in her home.  I sure hope we all can get together during the holidays!  
The grand ladies at Uncle Bill's memorial
Moving day for Kent & Ellen
   It is hard to believe that it has been one year since Allie & I were in Nablus, Palestine.  Not a day goes by that I don't think of all of them.  My life was profoundly changed by that trip.
Well, we'll be getting ready for Thanksgiving.  We will have John, Ben, Allie & I,  Ellen and her grandma are cooking the turkey and "fixings", so all of them will be joining us for the day.  We are planning a trip down to see the Plotts soon...very soon!  I have begun looking at houses and visiting families for next summer.  That in itself is a blog.  I will try to share more next posting.      

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Well, Allie & I just returned from a whirlwind trip to find her wedding gown.  We drove to Philadelphia, stayed in a hotel downtown, took a train into NYC the next morn, saw Paul B., went to the loft where she selected her handmade dress, looked around at Macy's, went to Penn station, rode the train back to Philly, slept and then drove home this morning.  WHEW!  
Visiting D.C. 
It was perfect and she will be a vision next November.  The dress is handmade by the designer and will be ready in about 5 months.  That's all I am allowed to say at this point!  LOL! 

 So much has happened since I wrote in July when Ben and Al were engaged.  A major happening is that John is no longer pastor at Tabernacle Methodist.  I am glad and will say no more. He is now chaplain for Prince George County's EMS and Carson Fire Department.  He took a class at SRMC and meets with the firehouse twice a month.  He's helped with several happenings including giving the benediction at the groundbreaking ceremony for the new firehouse.  So proud of him.  

Workcamp 2014 was of course incredible.  As you can see we were visited by quite a few special guests as well as the "pope".  Our theme this year was the song "BRAVE"  and we had fun with it!  
Our Palestinian friends were brave and tried everything from power tools to ice skating so that was much fun also!  

The Scudder "kids" were evicted and forced from their home as well as other atrocities by their father.  A wonderful workcamp staff family have helped set them up in their grandparents home and it's been an adventure getting the place ready.  It had been locked up for over ten years, so much had to be done to get it ready.  All is well now though, and everyone is moving ahead.  Especially little Jackson, who is on the move and will be walking any minute!  
We finally had the huge stump from the tree that fell behind out house during the last big storm taken care of.  It was hauled away into the woods and the deck repaired!  Ben replaced most of the aging parts on the pool this summer, so next year should be a breeze!

For now I'll just upload some pics of happenings and hope that this will justify catching up!  

Chicken & Waffles Drag Brunch
Grand ladies at Uncle Bill's memorial service 

Daniel & Sarah's wedding

The murdering in Gaza & the Pope visits THE WALL

My dear school friend Lydia passes away

Friday, July 4, 2014


In the middle of all of the heart-wrenching things going on here and with our friends in the Middle East, God has given the ROMAINES a beautiful thing....

'He proposed in the pecan acres of Richard Bland College where they first saw each other.  They are perfect match!  John and I couldn't love Ben more and we are so excited to begin calling him our son.  I can't even begin to say how good it feels to have him be part of our family!
Even though we are in the midst of workcamp preparations, Allie and I play in the evenings after the "boys" have gone to bed.  We curl up in the living room and make plans for the big day.  Dresses, candles, music,'s all so much fun! 
It looks like they have set a date, but I don't want to post it until they do:)  I am chomping at the bit to tell details because they are being so thoughtful in every detail of their plans.  Let me just say it is going to be an incredible day for everyone....and the beginning of an incredible life for our TWO children!! 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Much, Much, Much....

 Graduation from Columbia Theological Seminary was a road trip to ATL
 Grandpa Bing's 81st Birthday at El Caperal with sweetie pie Jackson Scudder
 Easter cookout....Ben & Ben solving the world's problems over a beer
 Special Aunt Allie loving on Jackson Liam Scudder
 Easter group photo 2014
Al's beautiful and well deserved diploma
The last time I wrote, it was the beginning of May.....and now it's almost June!  I can't even begin to remember all that has happened.  The ceremonies of Al's graduation were so inspiring....I was a proud MAMA.  Al had been sick the whole time we were down there, but we didn't realize how sick.  Upon returning from ATL, she was admitted to SRMC with excruciating stomach pain and her white count was up above 18,500.  All tests are normal though, and white count is, she opted to get OUT OF SRMC at we'll find a good doc outpatient. 
Our Ben P. just finished a week in Philadelphia taking a class for Ford.  The pool is almost ready for swimming and I had a relaxing time riding the John Deere yesterday cutting the grass. 
My dear high school friend, Lydia Sterling Hall is in ICU after surgery at UVA.  Praying for her recovery.....
BIG NEWS....John has joined the Carson Fire & EMS Department.  Looks like he will be acting as their chaplain.....Once I get a picture of him in all of his gear, I will post it!  He took a class in CPR at the hospital. He also joined American Family Fitness and goes there about 3 times a week.  What a husband I have!!
The weather is beautiful today....gonna get off this computer!
P.S.  I have a new hero.  Pope Francis prayed at the wall in Bethlehem today.....Oh, that the world will see!

Sunday, March 9, 2014


It's been a month since I even opened my blog.  So much can happen in a month...
We've had snow and ice multiple time.  It has been a dark, wintery period and I am so glad to have warmer weather, daylight savings time and the daffodils finally blooming!
I received the names of the Nablus teens coming to camp this summer and it's exciting to see so many young new names. The camp applications are coming in and even though at times it's mentally exhausting, it is very exciting!
Allie, Ellen, Ben and I went to the big cathedral by VCU this past Wednesday to get ashed and then stuffed ourselves at the Strawberry Street CafĂ©.  Good food, good evening!
The VCU Men's Basketball games have given us great evenings at home!  The playoffs are coming up....hope we can find them somewhere on Dish Network.
I've even had a chance to look at Ancestry a little bit...not much, but a little:) 
The Scudder atrocity just keeps growing, but I'm proud of the kids and the way they are walking through this tornado.
Really looking forward to May!  Foremost is our trip to Atlanta for ALLIE'S GRADUATION CEREMONY!!!!!  Marnie is getting married, the Koman Walk in Richmond and then Daniel and Sara are getting married the last weekend.  So, May will be full and fun!
I've got to get more in gear with the houses!!!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Just thought I'd put this picture of "genealogy" on my page. It's just a reminder that my family history search is wayyyyyyyy on the back burner right now.  My foot, definitely GREEK:)
I have procrastinated until I can no longer do so anymore!  I am so distracted by what's going on around me.  John has been visiting a long time golfing friend In the hospital that is not expected to live many more hours.  He is wrestling with the emotions around all of it.  Ben was injured at work a week ago and his shoulder isn't getting any better, soooooo looks like he will be going for an MRI today after his doc appointment.  Allie had a glorious , brief time with the PLO Delegation in Washington D.C., but the commute proved to be too costly and long.  Lesson learned as she and Ben sort out their future. 
I'm joined by 3 other wonderful people to raise the funds for a Nablus group to come to camp this summer.  I thank God for them.  It's exciting to think about a group coming again from the middle east.....I do miss their smiles and spirit.  It is very inspiring and lifting...
The sun is finally coming out....answer to prayer....
I think about all the planning I do.  Funny how plans change.....funny that John's message on Sunday was on PLANS....Hmmmmmmm!

Friday, January 24, 2014


The cold just isn't going away and neither is the snow!  Apparently another cold spell is supposed to hit after the weekend :( 
Allie and I packed her things for tomorrow's journey. I am so excited for her.  I am also excited to buckle down and get ready for the summer.  Will buckle down more about losing weight too:)
We enjoyed watching VCU beat Dayton at an away game the other night.  Tomorrow is a home game!  John and I have a date with the TV. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

New Year.....New Beginnings

Things are changing quickly around here.  Al received the final call of confirmation and she begins Monday at the "embassy" of the PLO Delegation to the U.S. on embassy row!  I am including the website at the bottom of the blog.  She & Ben are going up Saturday to check out the metro route.  She will be staying at David's near Dulles temporarily until she maybe gets something closer to downtown.  Lots of prayers requested please.  This is going to be incredible but a challenge!
Tuesday, I drove down and spent several hours with Sheila & Glenn Plott.  The time goes by so fast when I am with them!  We had a wonderful time sitting around the kitchen table.  Then I met Allie & Paige/Grover in Williamsburg at "Food For Thought" for a delicious lunch, exchanging presents and conversation.  Again, the time goes by so quickly when we are all together! 
We all got home just in time for the SNOW STORM!!!!  Lots of snow and cold weather so it isn't melting.  Schools are closed and everybody's happy!
John visited Lois' mom at Southside Regional Medical Center.  She's there with an infection.  Then I just talked with Bobby Allen....his wife fell in the kitchen.....broke her arm in 2 places and is having surgery at John Randolph this afternoon.  Whew......I also had an old school buddy get in touch with me last night.  He is getting his first chemo.....diagnosed very quickly with lymphoma.  I hope and pray that the rest of the year isn't sprinkled with these kinds of happenings. 
I'm distracted with Allie's events....going to help her pack for the excited for her!  Can't wait to talk with our Nablus friends about all of this! 
To explain, the U.S. doesn't recognize Palestine as a country.  It has two governing bodies:  The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) who's president is Mahmoud Abbas is the rational voice of peace for the Palestinians.  Then there is Hamas, the violent extremists who pretty much have control of Gaza.  With no recognition as a country, Palestine can have no embassy, so they have a DELEGATION with an ambassador appointed by the PLO president. 
This is the group Allie will be with.  There are 10 people in the office representing the voice of Palestine.  It is important and they were looking for someone that knew all the ins and outs of the area:  religious, political, historical, and current events.  My girl is so smart & knowledgeable. 
Here's the website for the "embassy".....

Thursday, January 16, 2014


There is So much going on!  Biggest news....Allie applied for an internship in Washington D.C. with the PLO Delegation to the U.S. and was offered the position yesterday!  Only hitch, she is waiting for the ambassador to interview and sign off on her application.  They told her she had the position, but that the ambassador likes to interview sometimes.  So, Al is waiting again....boy, does she know how to play the waiting game! 
We are holding off , but need to find a place for her to live up there SOON!  The position starts on the 27th and runs until JUNE 27th.  Hopefully through her job there she will come in contact with folks that may hire her permanently:)  Fingers crossed!
Workcamp is steadily filling.....groups are adopting crews for lunches.  I have been totally lazy about much of it.  I bought a new computer program for the finances....updated much, but I just have to get into it REALLY SOON!
Took Ellen to a doc appointment the other day...all is good. Her mom would be so proud of her.  She is such a balance young woman.   Kent started driving lessons this past Tuesday....only three more weeks and he can get his drivers license.  The pic below is from last night....Bing and Ellen came up and we all ate out at the local Mexican was so good to see them!
Well, Al and I will continue the waiting game.  Ben has to work late tonight, so we'll count the hours together :)

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year 2014!!!!

The new year is here.  All my family & friends know I am not one to bring in the new year with a lot of hoopla.  I must admit thought, I have never been so glad to see a new year arrive as 2014.  The past year has been a rollercoaster ride....and yes, there have been many highs!  There were far too many deaths and lows, so I am ready to grab the good from last year and high tail it into 2014!!
As you can see from the photo, John was a good boy so Santa brought him a bike.  Only trouble is we are both spastic now!  Santa should have brought a "girls" bike....getting up to speed with that bar in the middle is messing us up!  We'll get it though.  Right now it's just a stinking reminder that we are getting older!!
Sylvia came over to visit tonight.  She and Al have plans in the works with Father Ibrahim.  More later as that materializes. 
The workcamp registrations are rolling in.  I am neck deep in paperwork now.  It's all good though.  Just a little overwhelming.  I've REALLY got to get the website rolling....I'm having trouble uploading it. 
Jeff, Jon and family came up the day after Christmas.  It was good to be all together.  We all plan to head to Horsepasture on January 11.  I'm trying to set aside a time to meet with Paige.....and we'd love to head down to see Glenn & Sheila too. Work before play though.  I've been lazy the past few months and now it's time to hussle!