Friday, May 29, 2009

Feet Keep Movin!

Here's another photo of Allie and her dad at the wedding last week. Just to take our brains another place, Allie and I went to see the moving "OBSESSED" late last nite. We were the only ones in the theater. And yes, the Beyonce' fight scene at the end was worth the $$$.
Today I made my way to Pocohontas Island to visit a resident. Yep, Pete...another wheelchair ramp! Then Al and I made our way to Richmond to take care of various things and to eat lunch at STICKY RICE.
The pool water is clearing up. I miss Tim. He is usually here this time of year.
Today is Al's two week check up with Dr. Cane after surgery. It is SO good to see her feeling better! She went salsa dancing last night! Then tonight, I am going to Ellen Rose's dance recital. Pictures to follow.
Catching up today on LOTS of paperwork for camp! Building the ramp with about 12 others tomorrow!!
Woo Hoo!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Yikes, It's Almost June!

(Little Pierson Kirk - only 4 days old!)
I can't believe that JUNE is almost here! YIKES!
This Saturday we are building a ramp for a young man that has CP. It's a chance for the workcamp staff to get together and learn the process so we can assist the kids if they need help during the weeks of camp.
All is well at the golf course with John. The days are getting hotter, yet we continue to build a little fire in the pit by the pool about every other night. JUST LOVE IT!
Hoping to see the movie ANGELS & DEMONS this week sometime.
Al meeting with her advisor tomorrow about her summer internship. So glad she is feeling better physically. She's dealing with some tough stuff right now, but she is a really strong young woman! I am so proud of her!
Looking at three more houses tomorrow. Will need only two more after that! YAY!
Edyth is choreographing two songs in a musical at their local theater in NC. It's TITANIC (the musical). I can't imagine what it is like and would LOVE to head down there, but it's just not in the cards for right now. They actually have the boat sinking onstage at the end!
Gotta get the rest of these tshirts mailed and OUTTA HERE!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Wedding & A Baby

I guess the Sisters of Charity have officially moved. It was sad. I called their number at the convent to see if they wanted to go out to lunch before they moved, and I got a disconnected recording. They have been at St Joseph's for 150 years. Now they are being dispersed because of finances and sent to help other places.
JR did a kick %$#@ job on the wedding this weekend. It was definitely not an easy task for him, but he MADE the wedding.
Al is feeling SO much better physically after the surgery. It's a slow recovery, but positive! Paul Bagley came over and spent the nite with her last Thursday. He is such a hoot and it was good to see him!
Leigh Barksdale (Al's childhood friend from across the street) had her baby last Thursday. Little Pierson came home yesterday. Will try to get photos up. I am really getting slow !
I'm planning a day of getting groceries and then cleaning up around the pool. Hoping to have a few friends over tomorrow for Memorial day for food and drink. Then a fire by the pool in the evening.
This will be a busy week. I am looking at houses and coming down to the wire on the selections. Ellen's dance review is this week. I want to go to Toano to take Glenn's robe back and visit with them. And yes, Sheila, I am bringing a rice maker!
We got word in NY from Uncle Mike that John's great Uncle Art passed away. He was 99 and getting ready to celebrate his 100th bday in September. He was John's mother's brother. A short, cute little Frenchman. Hmmmm, sounds like somebody I know!
Gotta run thru the carwash....LOTS of little birdies "doo-dood" on it when we were visiting the baby yesterday.
Gonna try to beat the church people to Walmart!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Hummingbirds are Back!

Again, I hate to post without photos, but I am catching up as quickly as I can.
Allie had her surgery on the's been a slow recouperation, but she is a trooper! She's been with us in Prince George several nites. Drew brought his WII down yesterday. I had never played one. We all scooted down to the pool and roasted hotdogs on the firepit. Boy are we really going to enjoy that this summer!
JR is doing a wedding this weekend, so it gave me an excuse to go to TOANO and borrow Glenn Plott's robe for the ceremony. I had lunch and visited a long time with Glenn & Sheila!
Had to go thru a carwash when I got back. On I64 I ran over a deer carcas and it was very "ugly" . I don't think I need to say anymore.
Jeffrey had a Donk's show on Saturday nite and then he drove to spend the nite with us here in PG. Todd, guitarist friend, from LIVEWIRE had brain surgery. It's a long story, but bottom line, Todd is going to be fine and we'll be seeing him performing with the band at WORKCAMP 2009.
Prayers please for Mikey McCutcheon's mom. She is ill again in Blairsville, PA.
This past Sunday was a Tabernacle Sunday and JR's sermon was so good. Then we had a workcamp board meeting at 2pm at the house. It was good to see Bob and Katrina!
I am up WAY TOO LATE! Tomorrow I meet with the janitorial staff at Colonial Heights Middle School and then on to look at three more houses! Workcamp is creeping up on me!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

It's All Good

I have some photos, but I haven't loaded them on the computer yet! I'll slip one in a little later!
My life is filled with trips to the post office, Staples, and visiting lots of old houses with old people living in them. I am almost finished assessing houses for the workcampers for this summer. There are so many interesting people for the kids to spend time with.
John's sermons are getting better and better. We are able to copy them on CD now and it's fun to share them with people.
Mother's Day and Graduation at Hampden-Sydney was so nice. The campus was pristine, the weather perfect and we are so proud of Drew! He won numerous awards! It was good to spend time with the Murphys too. Al gave me Elizabeth Edward's new book RESILIANCE.....finished it in a few sittings.
The tshirts for camp arrived, so I have been delivering and mailing out bulk to all of the churches. Even had onesies made for the workcamp babies that are being born soon! I talked with the building inspections office in Colonial Heights today. Everything is all lined up!
The pool is looking good! I love looking down there. I put up the hummingbird feeders, but haven't seen the little guys yet!
Allie's surgery is tomorrow. We are praying for good results. It's been a long haul. Drew used a graduation gift card to buy a WII for them, so that's helped keep her mind off the upcoming operation.
Jeffrey is coming to spend Saturday nite with us after Donk's.
The squiggly things have stopped falling from the trees. We have SO MANY bunnies this year it's hard to get down the driveway sometimes!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Much To Do In May

May just seems to be adding and adding dates to remember! It's all good though.
Jeff's show at Donk's is tonight, but I think we are going to have to pass on this one. Wish we could just snap our fingers and be there!
Tomorrow is a Tabernacle Sunday with lunch at church. Love those ladies' cooking! Then JR meets with a couple that he is marrying on the 23rd at a park in Richmond.
Al's surgery has been moved to May 14th in Richmond with her pre-op done on the 7th.
Drew graduates from Hampden-Sydney on Mother's Day - the 10th.

The church is giving a baby shower for Amanda Pecht on Saturday the 16th. The Murphys are hosting a barbecue to celebrate Drew's graduation that evening.
Another Tabernacle Sunday on the 17th with a Workcamp Board Meeting to follow.
Walking thru Colonial Heights Middle School with the custodial service to final those details on the 20th.
Ellen Rose's dance review is on the 29th.
In between there are houses to assess and workcamp final plans to make! It's getting close!!!

My cousin, Michelle Eagle, called me . I haven't heard from her in years. It was good to be in touch.

We uncovered the pool and because we skimped on the cover, it let the sunlight thru and the algae grew. Now I am dealing with a green pool! The pollen is SO thick this year, but that will soon be over.

I really want to set a date this month to have lunch with the Sisters before they leave and go their separate ways in June! That's their photo above!