Wednesday, May 13, 2009

It's All Good

I have some photos, but I haven't loaded them on the computer yet! I'll slip one in a little later!
My life is filled with trips to the post office, Staples, and visiting lots of old houses with old people living in them. I am almost finished assessing houses for the workcampers for this summer. There are so many interesting people for the kids to spend time with.
John's sermons are getting better and better. We are able to copy them on CD now and it's fun to share them with people.
Mother's Day and Graduation at Hampden-Sydney was so nice. The campus was pristine, the weather perfect and we are so proud of Drew! He won numerous awards! It was good to spend time with the Murphys too. Al gave me Elizabeth Edward's new book RESILIANCE.....finished it in a few sittings.
The tshirts for camp arrived, so I have been delivering and mailing out bulk to all of the churches. Even had onesies made for the workcamp babies that are being born soon! I talked with the building inspections office in Colonial Heights today. Everything is all lined up!
The pool is looking good! I love looking down there. I put up the hummingbird feeders, but haven't seen the little guys yet!
Allie's surgery is tomorrow. We are praying for good results. It's been a long haul. Drew used a graduation gift card to buy a WII for them, so that's helped keep her mind off the upcoming operation.
Jeffrey is coming to spend Saturday nite with us after Donk's.
The squiggly things have stopped falling from the trees. We have SO MANY bunnies this year it's hard to get down the driveway sometimes!

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