Saturday, May 2, 2009

Much To Do In May

May just seems to be adding and adding dates to remember! It's all good though.
Jeff's show at Donk's is tonight, but I think we are going to have to pass on this one. Wish we could just snap our fingers and be there!
Tomorrow is a Tabernacle Sunday with lunch at church. Love those ladies' cooking! Then JR meets with a couple that he is marrying on the 23rd at a park in Richmond.
Al's surgery has been moved to May 14th in Richmond with her pre-op done on the 7th.
Drew graduates from Hampden-Sydney on Mother's Day - the 10th.

The church is giving a baby shower for Amanda Pecht on Saturday the 16th. The Murphys are hosting a barbecue to celebrate Drew's graduation that evening.
Another Tabernacle Sunday on the 17th with a Workcamp Board Meeting to follow.
Walking thru Colonial Heights Middle School with the custodial service to final those details on the 20th.
Ellen Rose's dance review is on the 29th.
In between there are houses to assess and workcamp final plans to make! It's getting close!!!

My cousin, Michelle Eagle, called me . I haven't heard from her in years. It was good to be in touch.

We uncovered the pool and because we skimped on the cover, it let the sunlight thru and the algae grew. Now I am dealing with a green pool! The pollen is SO thick this year, but that will soon be over.

I really want to set a date this month to have lunch with the Sisters before they leave and go their separate ways in June! That's their photo above!

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