Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Do The Right Thing!

There has been so much happening that's it's hard to remember what to write down. The photo is of Uncle Jimmie Smith of Donk's Theater. He is Lynda's daddy and MC for the theater. About 15 of us traveled to Mathews County for a terrific evening of good music and friends. My old high school friend, Debbie Healy Goodrich rode down with Allie, the Scudders and I.
Before the evening at Donk's, Allie & I went to a baby shower for Jessica Daniel V. across the street. She and Allie have been friends since childhood and now she is getting ready to have a little girl in May. They have named her Karlee.
I have been buried in applications for Workcamp 2010. About 300 of them came in so I've been sorting transportation, crews, alphabetical lists, second mailings. It's exciting to see who is coming. Right now is exhausting tho trying to shuffle everything. I love it tho!
Sunday was a Tabernacle Sunday, so I was dragging after being out at Donk's the night before. John's sermon was fantastic tho! He finishes up his Lenten Series tomorrow nite. He is also doing the Maundy Thursday service for Prince George Christian.
Of course, the Romaines celebrated the passage of health care coverage into law. I am so thankful to finally be living in a time that people are looking beyond themselves. I hope greed is behind us....at least for awhile.
We are celebrating Allie's birthday week. Tomorrow is her actual birthday....we'll celebrate a little here. Then she has class and is going out to celebrate with her girls.
Then Thursday, the "YA YAs" are heading to Williamsburg. Alicia, Ellen, Allie & I are spending the nite at the WOLF LODGE. Yep, it's tacky and touristy, but we are going to have some water fun and a room with a fireplace! It'll be Al'd second day of celebrating her birthday. Then this weekend, her girls are taking her out to dinner. I am hoping her class ring that we ordered will arrive for her bday. I don't think I can wait until graduation to give it to her!

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