Friday, March 12, 2010

OK! Stop Procrastinating!

I just heard that this year's hurricane season is going to be really active. The photo above is of Mississippi in '06 when we headed down there after Katrina.

I just don't feel like typing up houses!!!! There I said it! I would like to go into a "hidey hole" for a couple of days. Don't know why.

Yesterday I wanted to "kick some !@# out at the Fort Lee golf course. You can mess with me but not with my child or husband! Nuff said!

I went with John on Wednesday nite to Prince George Christian Church He is speaking for their 6 week Lenton services on Wednesday nites. If you click on the following link and and then click on sermons, you can hear his message on a podcast. Cool!

We received an invite to the Jessica Daniels Vljokan baby shower next Saturday. It will be a full day. First the shower and then DONK'S! Al & I went to Books A Million and bought Stellaluna and some Dr. Seuss books as gifts. Who could forget "MARVIN K.MOONEY WILL YOU PLEASE GO NOW!"

This weekend I am attending Walnut Hill Baptist's last service before they close their doors. At first I wasn't going, but then....Glenn & Sheila Plott said they were going.....and then on Facebook some of the old youth group folks said they were coming and bringing their families....soooooooo....that did me in! I would love to see the "kids" and their families.

I finally got the web visitor counter working on the workcamp website. Be sure to visit the WORKCAMP WEBSITE at .

My aunt Janet fell in her basement and broke her wrist last weekend. She had surgery (she was awake!) on Monday to put pins in her wrist. I love to send her goofy cards....she loves them!

My cousin Tim in London sent me a box full of Beanie Bears and daffodil pins! He has been really sick this winter....swine flue and then tonsilitus.. I hope we get to see him this year!

Al had an eye appointment yesterday and then had to go order reading glasses. We saw Hannah Born in the optical place. She is SO sweet. She mentioned tho that she had had the stomach flu two weeks ago...and that it had been passed around in the store to almost everyone. We lathered up with Purel when we left!

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