Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Snow AGAIN!!??

The computer is a bit slow is so overcast outside....rain & a bit of wet snow last night. I really don't pay much attention to the weather tho unless it is active enough to interrupt my activities, and it's not.
I looked at five houses yesterday and one more is on the list for today. I really have to buckle down and look for a concert artist & get the tshirts designed and on order.
The workcamp website is up and running and I am so proud of this accomplishment. I totally learned something new. I designed it and now manage it. Mr. Lee from Wesley UMC donated the space and helped me get it online....he was such a dear! SO, take a look at it!!
John is loving speaking at Prince George Christian each Wednesday nite for their Lenton services. He's studying hard and is doing a fantastic job! There are about 125 people there each week!
Al picked up her cap & gown the other day! The reality is about to set in...we are so proud of her!
This is her birthday month, so Alicia, Ellen, Al & I are going down to the WOLF LODGE for a girls evening on March 25th. Just having some girltime!
The photo above is of Al & her longtime friend Paul B.. This was taken a few days after her confirmation. He has moved into his own place in Richmond.
Will chased turkeys out of the yard the other day. John had some stone delivered for the driveway. The garage door isn't working on & off. Al has acupuncture tomorrow.
I have saved the best for last. This past Sunday I traveled to Sandston Presbyterian Church. Debbie "Healy" , my dear friend from high school is married to the pastor there. It was less than 30 minutes away, but we hadn't seen each other in at least 20 years! I asked the usher where she usually sat....and I plopped myself down on her pew. When she arrived I scooted over....said hello....and she didn't even recognize me!! Long story short, we ended up yakking at a restaurant after church until they closed....IT WAS SO GOOD TO CONNECT WITH HER!!!! I hope we don't lose touch...
Well, on to Ms Watt's house.....yesterday she said she was frying fish cakes with onions and didn't hear the doorbell when I came by. Then she proceeded to continuously ring the doorbell over the phone to show me that it worked! My , oh, my...what fun these kids are going to have this summer!

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