Thursday, May 13, 2010

Beautiful Odd Day!

The photo is of Ben Scudder & Al by the pool on Sunday nite. Ben has left for New Jersey to begin basic training for the Coast Guard after three years at VMI. We are SO proud of him...I just know he is going to fly at this!
And yesterday was ALLIE'S LAST DAY AT VCU!!!! She had her last exam and then just wandered around the campus. I really don't know when it will hit all of us! She is something else! So very proud of her & the person she is becoming!
I hate it that the brothers won the Amazing Race this season. They really held onto their scruples until the end. Now Edyth is saying that she can't apply for the race....I am going to apply with someone come hell or high water!
A terrible line of storms passed thru our area yesterday during Al's drive from Richmond. Sixty mph winds...a big limb fell in the driveway. A tree fell on some cars in Alicia's church parking lot. It was a mess. Apparently one of the Prince George elementary schools is closed today because of it! All Prince Geo schools were opened on a 2 hour delay.
We are awaiting a text from Debbie Daniel any time. Jessica, from across the street is waiting for her baby to be born...little Karlee...
Am still waiting for the new tshirt design. I plan to do some census visiting this afternoon....and JR & I are going to order his new glasses. Al thinks she and Elle have found a really economical apartment....guess JR will be in on the discussion on that. Will needs a bath. I finished the workcamp minister's information letters yesterday. Am wrapping up looking at houses....need only three more...This weekend is a camp board meeting on Sunday after church....yep, it's a Tabernacle Sunday.
JR's last day working at the golf course is next Wednesday....we are getting his laptop soon afterwards...he's getting another car also. We are going to fixup a little study area for him to begin collecting his thots for a book!
I am SO sleepy....guess it's the dark day....must get myself in gear!

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