Saturday, May 15, 2010

Fun time....Busy time!

Lots is happening at Casa de Romaines lately. First of all, I am loving the census taking. It is so different from what I am usually doing. It really takes me away for a couple of hours each day. I've met lots of interesting people and it's nice not to be in charge of ANYTHING! I did have a little SNAKE encounter today....big black & white one that I almost stepped on because I was so busy studying my paperwork walking up to this apartment! I know now to be alert!
Al is home tonight and Paul is here along with Jillian. They are all down by the pool in the moonlight. I love it that we have a place to retreat from the city. I'm trying to do a few things around here before the big Memorial Day picnic for Al's graduation. I MISS TIM.
John is preaching in the morning and then we have a Workcamp board meeting at 2pm here at the house. It will be good to see a few folks. Still waiting for the tshirt design.....
Jeffrey called today to say he was second in the regional ROADEO competition for school bus drivers. Next is the state competition....if he wins it, then it's on to St Louis, MO. He says the Donk's show in two weeks is an Elvis show....and that everyone that is singing is going to dress up as Elvis. I guess we'll be getting in touch with Charlie Curtis really soon to grab some of his Elvis attire!
Time is flying by. I cannot believe it has been a week since our GHS reunion. I wish things would slow down just a little bit!

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