Saturday, June 26, 2010

It's Getting Close!

Just thought I'd throw some photos up of folks I love and can't wait to see during the month of JULY! Our workcamp staff is beyond belief. They totally give....and no one has any other agenda other than serving! To say I love them just doesn't get it!
I read a book a long time ago about bio-rhythms....and I believe mine all hit a low yesterday. It was so bothersome that it became hilarious! The Direct TV box died so I spent time hooking up a new one that didn't want to cooperate. Al's bedroom shoe broke, so I sewed it...(yes, you heard!) My phone has been "acting up" so I spent some quality time at the VERIZON store yesterday....quite enough quality time, thank you! Then there were my two visits to the computer repair shop....can't even explain that one! The red maintenance light came on in the van while I was driving. I dropped three phone calls to my cousin Susan & I STILL don't know what's going on there! Edyth called with some not so good health news to contemplate. Went to Best Buy to get memory stixs for the laptop and ended up getting the wrong thing. And the list just keeps getting longer and longer! I finally just gave up and laughed at each thing that came up! Thank God I don't have many days like today!
I've got to work like crazy today....with all the distractions like moving Al's stuff, the heat and just life in general, I REALLY need to get in gear today about camp! I'm crazy....the least little distraction and I'm gone!
Just breathe! It's all good!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Still No Pics! Sorry!

Still no pics, but my computer with all the photos is still in the shop getting ready for workcamp! Things are moving so fast it's a blur around here!
Jeffrey spent the nite last nite. His ROADEO, school bus competition is today...state competition. If he wins it, he'll go to nationals in St Louis! Last nite he studied at the table, I worked on little workcamp trinkets and Al put in SHUTTER ISLAND for us to watch. Disturbing, but good movie!
We've stopped and enjoyed the pool the past few nites. Alicia & I floated around until almost 8pm! I've been working on the driveway. The foilage is closing in, so John mowed and I sprayed week killer...hope it works.
Most of the tshirts are now gone out of the garage. Al & I met Karen and took a load of workcamp "stuff" to store at the school on Friday. That's always a milestone. It was for Al....she "did good"....being around CHMS this summer is going to be challenging for her, but she's a soldier!
I sorta miss my census job....actually it's greed! I really liked the extra $$. Hopefully now I have enough air miles and $$$ for Al and I go to go Tim's in the late fall or during the Thanksgiving holidays. I think Al is going to substitute teach for one semester until she decides what she want to do....she is adamant about moving back to Richmond.
John is flying on his new computer....and loving it!
Looks like we are going upstate NY in August. John's 55th high school reunion is we are going to make it a family affair. Can't wait to see everyone! It's such a terrific and loving trip!
We still have a couple more loads to get from Al's apartment. Then making arrangements to pick up the BIG items...really only the bed, two love seats and a coffee table....speaking of coffee tables, I still have to put the one together we got for the screen porch!
Wish I had time to head up to Debbie's to dive into some genealogy, but that will have to be tabled until fall.
Will turned 13 years old this past week! We love our little doggie!

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Sorry no pics again, but I am on JR's computer. Mine is being cleaned and prepped for camp!
Hoping to get out by the pool a little today....going to Richmond tomorrow to help Al bring a load home from her apartment.
Both workshops went extremely well. Bob conducted them since Billy has been really under the weather. Hoping he will feel much better after his doc visit tomorrow.
The days are flying by. So much to do, but I don't feel stressed. I am still continuing to do the census a couple hours each day. Now that we are near the end of the campaign, they are giving me the "difficult people"'s a challenge, but fun. Oh the stories I could tell!
The camp tshirts are beautiful....I have boxed up and sent half of them out to the churches.....going to try to sort the rest of them today....
Al went to a rowing regatta with her best girlfriend "Paul" yesterday. Awfully hot tho! The Workshop was hot also.
OK...I am rambling...gotta run! Promise more photos next post!

Thursday, June 10, 2010


I'm on JR's new computer, so there are no pictures I can post....sorry! This was faster tho since I am going to take my laptop to be "cleaned" before camp so that if runs efficiently. This week has been crazy with crazy happenings,...all good, just goofy!
I interviewed "BIGFOOT" yesterday for the census....I was so busy looking up at this giant man in the doorway, that I didn't realize until the end of the interview that he didn't have any pants on! P.S...he didn't know his wife's birthday...hmmmmm. I will be wrapping up the census "stuff" the end of this week, or maybe thru the beginning of next.
Then at the bank, I drove thru the drivethru and ran over a snake....yep, in the bank drive thru!
Today is the first WORKCAMP WORKSHOP at Billy Clark's in Colonial Heights. He's been doing workshops for the churches since WHBC went to WVA that first year! Billy had some minor surgery tho and is unable to do the actual workshop, so Bob H. will be doing the workshop at Billy's house. Gotta go hang balloons on the mailbox and put up a sign.
Making sure the cameras are working and in their bags, calling Scott Childers with the inspections today. He always comes to Colonial Heights Middle School and inspects the walls in the gym.
Allie was talking about taking a leap of faith and jumping into another phase of the paranormal and had asked that there be confirmations for her from above.....well, day before yesterday was a hoot. Too many happenings to type about.
JR's really loving getting back into the groove of typing.....we are trying to set up his email addresses now.
Gotta run....more later!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

More Tidbits

Looks like rain again.....really need to go down & dump some water from the pool.
My census job should end's a good thing. Workcamp is pretty all consuming right now also.
Going to sort tshirts in the garage and try to get some of them out today.
John is busy on his computer early each morning. He's getting faster again at typing! Hoping to get him on the internet soon....I just have to find the Verizon program that i have on a USB stick to update to Windows 7.
Kept dreaming about puppies last nite!
Alicia & I both enumerating today....I really do like our quirky little team!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

More Memorial Day

The second photo is of our Ben Scudder who left last month for basic training in Cape May for the Coast Guard. He is the one carrying the flag. He finishes and is home on JULY 7th for a few days before he gets his first assignment. My bet will be he will be doing grunt work down in the gulf with the oil spill.
The first photo I just love. It's Allie & bestest friend Paul Bagley. Such good friends! I am loving staying connected with my old high school friends thru facebook. I hope to get together with some of the girls after workcamp.
Yesterday I had the funniest conversation while doing the census. A poor Mexican family living in a horrible trailer on 460. We were all laughing and trying to converse while a little 5 year old girl (who learned some English in kindergarten) translated for us! It was hilarious. I know I will have to give up the census job in the near future, but I have really loved doing it. It's been a real learning experience!
Short & sweet!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day Was So Memorable!!

So much preparation & the time just flew by! We were ready with barbecue & the fixins. Aunt Janet & Uncle Doug came from Martinsville, Jon David & family from NC, Jeff & gang from Newport News, a few neighborhood folk and Al's friends from Richmond. It was so much sun & fun!
Alicia & Ellen came back in the evening to just sit by the fire & pool & eat smores.
Now back to real life....which isn't bad at all!!!