Sunday, June 13, 2010


Sorry no pics again, but I am on JR's computer. Mine is being cleaned and prepped for camp!
Hoping to get out by the pool a little today....going to Richmond tomorrow to help Al bring a load home from her apartment.
Both workshops went extremely well. Bob conducted them since Billy has been really under the weather. Hoping he will feel much better after his doc visit tomorrow.
The days are flying by. So much to do, but I don't feel stressed. I am still continuing to do the census a couple hours each day. Now that we are near the end of the campaign, they are giving me the "difficult people"'s a challenge, but fun. Oh the stories I could tell!
The camp tshirts are beautiful....I have boxed up and sent half of them out to the churches.....going to try to sort the rest of them today....
Al went to a rowing regatta with her best girlfriend "Paul" yesterday. Awfully hot tho! The Workshop was hot also.
OK...I am rambling...gotta run! Promise more photos next post!

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