Thursday, June 10, 2010


I'm on JR's new computer, so there are no pictures I can post....sorry! This was faster tho since I am going to take my laptop to be "cleaned" before camp so that if runs efficiently. This week has been crazy with crazy happenings,...all good, just goofy!
I interviewed "BIGFOOT" yesterday for the census....I was so busy looking up at this giant man in the doorway, that I didn't realize until the end of the interview that he didn't have any pants on! P.S...he didn't know his wife's birthday...hmmmmm. I will be wrapping up the census "stuff" the end of this week, or maybe thru the beginning of next.
Then at the bank, I drove thru the drivethru and ran over a snake....yep, in the bank drive thru!
Today is the first WORKCAMP WORKSHOP at Billy Clark's in Colonial Heights. He's been doing workshops for the churches since WHBC went to WVA that first year! Billy had some minor surgery tho and is unable to do the actual workshop, so Bob H. will be doing the workshop at Billy's house. Gotta go hang balloons on the mailbox and put up a sign.
Making sure the cameras are working and in their bags, calling Scott Childers with the inspections today. He always comes to Colonial Heights Middle School and inspects the walls in the gym.
Allie was talking about taking a leap of faith and jumping into another phase of the paranormal and had asked that there be confirmations for her from above.....well, day before yesterday was a hoot. Too many happenings to type about.
JR's really loving getting back into the groove of typing.....we are trying to set up his email addresses now.
Gotta run....more later!

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