Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Still No Pics! Sorry!

Still no pics, but my computer with all the photos is still in the shop getting ready for workcamp! Things are moving so fast it's a blur around here!
Jeffrey spent the nite last nite. His ROADEO, school bus competition is today...state competition. If he wins it, he'll go to nationals in St Louis! Last nite he studied at the table, I worked on little workcamp trinkets and Al put in SHUTTER ISLAND for us to watch. Disturbing, but good movie!
We've stopped and enjoyed the pool the past few nites. Alicia & I floated around until almost 8pm! I've been working on the driveway. The foilage is closing in, so John mowed and I sprayed week killer...hope it works.
Most of the tshirts are now gone out of the garage. Al & I met Karen and took a load of workcamp "stuff" to store at the school on Friday. That's always a milestone. It was for Al....she "did good"....being around CHMS this summer is going to be challenging for her, but she's a soldier!
I sorta miss my census job....actually it's greed! I really liked the extra $$. Hopefully now I have enough air miles and $$$ for Al and I go to go Tim's in the late fall or during the Thanksgiving holidays. I think Al is going to substitute teach for one semester until she decides what she want to do....she is adamant about moving back to Richmond.
John is flying on his new computer....and loving it!
Looks like we are going upstate NY in August. John's 55th high school reunion is then...so we are going to make it a family affair. Can't wait to see everyone! It's such a terrific and loving trip!
We still have a couple more loads to get from Al's apartment. Then making arrangements to pick up the BIG items...really only the bed, two love seats and a coffee table....speaking of coffee tables, I still have to put the one together we got for the screen porch!
Wish I had time to head up to Debbie's to dive into some genealogy, but that will have to be tabled until fall.
Will turned 13 years old this past week! We love our little doggie!

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