Monday, August 22, 2016


Well, it seems to be cooling down a wee bit.  There's more of a breeze and thankfully the may flies have thinned out!  I started trimming the shrubs in the front of the house a couple weeks ago, but had to stop because of battling the flies.  Started again today....with a stronger and safer ladder also:)

Here's the link to the new and improved workcamp website.  One of our young staffers is a whiz and loaded up all of the photos for each year, different links and so much more.  It really looks good and is so helpful!

 Our little old Yorkie, Louie, is getting a little slower.  I ordered a set of little steps so that he doesn't crash when he tries to jump up on the bed with us.  Alicia found him roaming around her house about 4 years ago. We rescued him and am so glad we did.  He's so loveable and grateful that he's not on the road anymore:)  I really love that little guy
I visited Al at their home yesterday.  We browsed through genealogy and watched Ru Paul on TV for a lazy overcast day.  She heads to Roanoke tonight for a two day Reiki training session.  So proud of her.

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