Sunday, August 21, 2016


I'm an idiot!  I was running water in the pool and left it on all night!  Now we can't flush toilets until the water builds up again.  It shouldn't be long, but I feel really Dumb!
This is a photo of John when the new Carson Fire Station was dedicated  earlier this year.  He was asked to open with prayer.  He meets with the firemen about twice a month and shares being on call with about 6 other chaplains.  He's had to complete courses online through FEMA.  Very proud of him!

This is Allie when she was sitting for her little niece on Ben's side of the family.  Little Zoey turned one last week and had her birthday party at a local pool.  She is quite the little diva!  

This is a throw back picture from last October from Allie's bridal shower at the Blue Willow Tea Room.  Her Aunt Paige hasn't changed a bit through the years.  She is beautiful.  Lives in Newport News.

I guess I will catch up little by little.I have neglected to write regularly for so many months!  I planning to head to Richmond today to spend the day with Allie.

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