Saturday, December 7, 2013


On a hillside overlooking the valley of Nablus is the TANOREEN RESTAURANT.  It is owned by the Ameed Kawwa's family.  It was built piece by piece with their hands.  It is an incredibly beautiful place and the food compared to none I've ever eaten in a restaurant.  We were invited there for lunch with Sami.  It was here that I learned that lunch is the big meal of the day here.  Ameed, Nidal and the whole family are cooks and builders.  As you can see from the photos below, people in the U.S. would pay quite a price to have dinner with a view like the TANOREEN has. 
Ameed is an artist also....he painted the mural on the outside of the restaurant

We had a wonderful time smoking lemon nargeela.  They brought out the big one only used for family....they had bought it in Egypt. 

Sami and Ameed's dad

Ameed's little brother
Before we ate, we were taken back into the kitchen area so that we could see the special way he cooks chickens.  The Kawwas dug lined pit ovens and lower the racks of chickens down in them to cook.  They were scrumptious!  Also they showed us a pot cooking fresh hummus. 

Ameed prepared our nargeela and we had a wonderful lunch and fun conversation.  It truly is a beautiful setting.  We can't wait to go back. 

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