Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Allie coming out of the tomb of Lazarus
Ala wanted nothing to do with the camel!
On our drive to Bethlehem, we stopped for a brief visit in Bethany and to the tomb of Lazarus.  I waited at the top of the tomb, because it was narrow and deep in the ground.  The rest of the gang ventured down.  There in town was a Beduien man with his camel selling rides.  I actually wanted to get on a soap box and say to the uninformed tourists that this man and his relatives are who the Israelis are right now pushing out of their homes and taking their land down in Negev.  Just saw a protest in Britain on the news.

The second place was magnificent and it's in Nablus  Located deep in the Greek Orthodox church is Jacob's Well.  It is the place where Jesus is said to have met the Samaritan woman.  As you go into the "sanctuary" there are narrow stairwells down into the floor that lead to the ancient well.  We weren't allowed to take photos, but we were allowed to drink from the well.  AMAZING!
Inside the Greek Orthodox Church - stairwell beside alter

The gardens at Jacob's Well - in front of an old olive tree

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