Sunday, December 1, 2013


Allie and I were exhausted. She was on the tail end of some sort of flu she had gotten on the plane from ATL to home.  I was starting to feel the beginnings of it in my nose and head.  The Nairouz family was planning to attend the Greek Orthodox baptism of a little cousin and we were invited to tag along. 

We all headed for Ramallah to the Nairouz home.  Where they live in Nablus is actually "the rectory" for the family.  They have their own family home in Ramallah.  Khalil attends school in Ramallah, so he actually lives there during the week and comes home on weekends. 

Allie and I bravely went into the kitchen to ask to stay at home and rest while their family went to the service and celebration.  I must thank Vera for insisting that we go....she wouldn't go without us!  Looking back, staying and resting at the house would have been a mistake that we would have regretted. 

Above, is a photo of the actual baptismal service.  The baby is quickly immersed three times representing the Trinity.  Then the little one is dressed in angelic clothes and everyone moves to the front of the church for the confirmation. 

Father Ibrahim's mother with their little cousin

Once the service was over, we made our way to the local Catholic church hall for the celebration.  There was a live band, lots of food & drink, and LOTS OF DANCING.  The father of the baby didn't stop dancing the whole evening as you can see by the pictures below!  It was again, a rare opportunity to be with the people of Palestine and celebrate with them.  It was an evening neither of us will ever forget!




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