Sunday, December 1, 2013


"The Wall" is one of the most gut wrenching structures I have ever seen.  Most of these pictures are from an area just before Bethlehem.  The Israelis say they need it for security.  They have been cruelly creative in separating families, friends and neighbors.  The wall is a reminder of a people occupied and oppressed. 

You must have permission to go past the wall.  You must explain to your children why they live inside a wall.  There are pleas of freedom written all over the walls.  There are tall towers in strategic places in the wall with armed soldiers watching every move of the people below. 

Deemed too imposing for tourists and visitors in some areas, it has been replaced by neatly lined wire fences with small little white boxes about every 20 meters.  I asked what they were.  The fences flow with enough electricity to kill of touched. The little white boxes are sensors that fire bullets automatically should anyone venture too close.  There are sections of protective walls that have shards of glass embedded in the top so that should anyone try to crawl over, they would be severely cut.

The wall is rarely in a straight line.  It weaves in and out of cities and neighborhoods.  We met a shop owner in old Jerusalem that had done business in his shop for 90 years.  He and his father would walk from their home to their place of business each day.  The Israelis constructed the massive wall only meters from the back door of his home....dividing him from neighbors he had grown up with.  Now he must get up 3 hours earlier each day and walk to a checkpoint to finally get to his shop. 

The red line in the above photo is of the separation wall as it will look upon completion.  They have been constructing it since 2005 and continue to build and build. 

You may click on the link below to see Allie's video as we drove along a narrow street that ran along the wall. It is hundreds of miles of concrete.  There are really no words to describe it.  I will write about the "checkpoints" on a later blog. 



1 comment:

Sally said...

I saw the Berlin wall back in the 80's before it came down. This is very similar.