Saturday, December 15, 2012

Many Ups & Many Downs

So much is happening here at home, around our country and around the world.  Our nation now is grieving for the children and adults killed in the elementary school in Connecticutt.  Trying to make sense of it does nothing but make me sick on my stomach.  I want to look for the good.....I want to look for the good....
Allie drove straight through after her exam the other night.  Nine hours later she was in Virginia!  So glad to have her home.  Between she and John though, I don't think I am going to get much done the next month.  I still have presents to get, Workcamp house orders to write, ....lots to do, but it is good stuff.
We plan to go to Busch Gardens ChristmasTown tomorrow night.  JR might even join us!  We're trying to pick a time to get together with Paige & Grover.  Allie sees Dr. Ciurash on Monday morning.  John & I have been hauling & spliting wood while using the 4 wheeler & wagon.  So much fun!  The wagon got a flat though and won't be repaired until Monday.
John bought a new Camry....yep, just turned in the Honda and drove home a Camry.  It is so nice and I feel so much better with him in it.  We also have someone coming to put new windows in the house.  Ours are literally falling out.  Thankful that we have $$$ in savings to do it.
We're eating navel oranges like there's no tomorow.  Ordered a box of them from Ellen for a PGHS band fundraiser.  Went to the Colonial Heights Christmas Parade last Tuesday.  Missed the Prince George one :(
My banjo picking has slowed down, but I'll start practicing diligently soon.  One thing at a time! 
I met my niece Jennifer up in Lynchburg the other weekend and we went out in search of a graveyard of EAGLES. We have quite a time and met some really good people in the process.  Next time I think I'll take my metal detector. 
John has had church services, a funeral and has reconnected with some old friends. 
                                              Elvis in the Colonial Height Christmas Parade :)

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Too Much To Write

                                                    Playing "Headbands" on Thanksgiving Day
                                                          Ellen directing the PGHS BAND

I always wait too long and then don't get to write about half of what I want to write about! 
Thank God the election is over and with the results we wanted !! Yes, Obama & Tim Kaine!  I wasn't looking forward to a move to Canada! 
Jeffrey has been really ill, but much better now.  John & I went to see the movie "LINCOLN" was awesome!  I have started playing the banjo.  The Collins let me use theirs and Allie/Ben had so much fun playing it that Karen S. is going to loan us one for Ben to keep at his apartment.  It's going to be a yee haa time around the Romaine house during the Christmas holidays!
Allie will be home in 14 days!  I can't wait!  We plan to go to ChristmasTOWN at Busch Gardens.  I'll miss the Prince George Co. parade because I am heading to Lynchburg to pick up my niece, Jenn and we are going to find and photograph an old cemetary that some EAGLES are buried in.  FUN!
I love riding the John Deere and blowing the leaves with it!  It is so much fun for me.  We haven't been back down to Cathy's to "play" with the horses but I hope we will soon.  There is just SO MUCH going on.  I went to look at the first 3 houses for WORKCAMP 2013 yesterday also.  That is quite a reality check! 
We are also getting ready for the big 25 year celebration!  I have had so much fun going through old photos!
John has a funeral to do on Dec. 8th.  I am almost finished with my Christmas shopping.  I am going to get my hair cut and colored next week.  AND I WANT TO PUT UP OUR TREE AND DECORATIONS!!!!
SO, I am going to get off the computer!!!!!! LOL!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Haven't Heard That Word In A Long Time...

You know....back in the sixties, the word  C U LT  was thrown around a lot.  It reared it's head later because of Jim Jones and the fiasco in Ghyana.  We now joke, "Don't drink the Kool-Aid!" but rarely see how giving up our ability to look around is quite the killer.  During the election, I kept hearing the word  over & over  concerning some political movements and some religious choices. 
You know, this wouldn't even be a phenomenom if people would THINK FOR THEMSELVES.  It's a matter of getting out of the bubble of your political party, your community, your school/university, even your church if the things listed below are occuring. 
 I found the following principles on the internet on HOW TO START YOUR OWN CULT.  It's quite amazing. It can happen in large groups or small groups if people give up their freedom of choices and rely on the opinions of the "members" that surround them 24/7.....


1)  First, create an  Us vs. Them atmosphere….a utopia , "group-think"  setting where your
       group believes they are the ones that hold truth 

2)  If possible, create a commune or place where only like minded believers can live

3)  Subtly isolate from anything outside the core experience  - provide activities so that members
      have no time and eventually have no desire to associate with those outside the core experience
     To create more isolation, discourage outside different friends and activities by providing a total
     package of daily emotion charged activities within the member walls. It’s all about the group
    "fellowship" and it’s themes & promises.

4)  Emphasize the visual and sensual over the intellectual. Create large groups of followers singing,

     meditating, cheering or chanting. Distract from the study & debate of any differing opinions by
     offering emotional  “chill bump” happenings to convince members of their "truths". 

5)  Outside literature, books, movies, videos must be tightly controlled.  Engaging in music/dance,&
     art that has not been sanctioned by "the group" is a sign of weak devotion and must have

6)  Create an overpowering experience of love and friendship while simultaneously handing down
      a standard of conduct with consequences of repremand  (ie. dress, hygene, time management,
      plus lists of locations & activities not permitted )

7)  When members first join your "group", have them expeience "love bombing".  Set up
      relationships for new members such as mentors, "friends", advisors, internet connections, bunk
     mates.  Subtly suggest with whom members should and should not associate so that they will
     not be "led astray".

8)   Create choices of rituals and compulsory activities within the group's grounds. Structure as much
      of a follower's day as possible, keeping them aware of the group timeline & of what is permitted
      and what is required during certain parts of the day.  Offer rallies, studies, concerts,
      competitions.  Down time only provides opportunity for  questioning teachings.  Again, rely
      heavily on stimulating emotion through activities, speakers, music, etc.

9)  Make sure the atmosphere is one of “group think” or everyone hearing the same message.  
    Make sure they are all well taught in defending their positions against those outside the group. 
    Cause it to feel risky, unloyal or even unhealthy to debate or question the groups' beliefs openly.
    A group member is taught that any exploration or dialogue like this could possibly cause them to 
   sway or become unsure.

I can certainly see why Workcamp, with some of these elements, was called a cult by a Baptist church back in the nineties.  The difference is that workcamp is a MOVEMENT and not a CULT. 
Ours is a retreat of one week.  We do not say one group has absolute truth over another group.  Although there is a bit of some of the above elements, we are only one week.  We encourage diversity and stepping out of the box to try something new and different.  A movement encourages these things....a cult does not. 
So check out your "group".  Hopefully now that the election is over, the "C" word won't be used as much.  It's exciting to see men and women following with their hearts AND THEIR HEADS! 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

The top photo is of some of the workcamp staffers that came to a wrap-up session yesterday.  Everyone came dressed goofy in the Halloween spirit .  They also came bearing a big brownie cake for my 60th birthday.  We almost chose not to have the meeting because Hurricane Sandy is looming in the ocean.  We did postpone the board meeting because Katrina is at a wedding and Debra has grandkids throwing up.  We have the generator ready and water in buckets on the screen porch in case we lose power.   It's really supposed to hit NJ & NY hard!
The horse pics are from our neighbors house.  She adopted two horses that someone didn't want.  Wonderful animals that we are welcome to come visit or ride anytime!  LOVE IT!
I keep procrastinating about closing the pool.  Guess we'll turn the pump off finally this coming week.
Allie was here for 4 days during mid-term.  It was so good to see her.  We're counting the days before she comes back for Thanksgiving.  I've already started picking up grocery items.  Jeffrey is coming to eat with us too.
The John Deere is terrific for corraling all the leaves.  Bottom line, it's so fun to ride it and see all the leaves gone!
Well, tonight we should start rocking and rolling with the storm.  Hopefully we are passed by!  All flights on the east coast are shut down. 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Here's What's Happening.....

I just love this time of year!  Much to do but also lots of time to just ENJOY!  I am treating the pool for the final time before turning it off.  Allie flies home for a brief visit on Saturday, so Sunday night we are going to have a fire pit by the pool.  We'll cook hot dogs and smores by the looking forward to it.
The smoke alarms in the house are going off today...looked it up on the internet and it says that "hard wired" alarms do this when they get dust in them or the back up batteries are bad.  Going to get some "canned air" to blow in them and change the batteries.  :(
I love riding the lawn mower over the yard just to get the leaves!
John's robe looks fabulous!  Now he is dressed he just needs a place to go!  We should have gotten him his own robe years ago.  I still need to upload pics from the Spain's get together the other night.  Will probably take lots of pics this weekend with Al home. 
Wishing this election was OVER!  Great presidential debate the other night.  Got in a little trouble mentioning "Mormon magic underwear" on my facebook page the other day.  Immediately took it off because I hate it when people debate on facebook!  I value other religions, but this Mormon thing has me baffled because it's so secretive....sacred garments, the planet Kolub, baptizing the dead...and the list goes on.  It's OK if this is what people want to believe, but I think if you are running for the highest office in the land, you should be more open about all of this.  Once you declare yourself a public figure, your life is open to all questioning! It's pretty deceptive how they appear "christian" on the outside, but don't want it to be common knowledge about all the secret practices and ceremonies.  I don't think the fundamental right wing has caught on to this.  I'll be SO glad when the election is over. 
Went out to Southlawn day before yesterday and put new ivy on mom's mauseleum stone.  Having a ton of fun looking up OLD workcampers and referring them to our facebook page for the reunion.  Looking forward to seeing all my workcamp buddies soon at the wrap-up meeting.  That's when the big push for the reunion will actually begin.  The brochures for next summer were mailed out the other day also.  I start looking at houses in November. 
Heading out on errands....think Alicia is going to be my sidekick again today. 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Fall Is Here....I Think??

It keeps going from hot to cold and then back again so our sinuses are going nuts.  Louis even is having problems with one of his ears :) 
Yesterday I changed out flight plans.  Instead of me traveling to Atlanta for a couple days, Allie is flying home for 4 days!  She found out that she has only a Greek exam for midterm, thus days with nothing!  YAY! 
John after YEARS of sucking on a pipe, is now trying out an electronic cigarette.  It's quite fascinating....he keeps it in his pocket and has been without a pipe for a couple of days. It's pretty amazing!  He has a wedding this coming Saturday in Dinwiddie and then we are going to Ruby & Keith Spain's for a barbecue.  I ordered a clerical robe for John.  He has never had one and has always borrowed Glenn Plott's. It should be in today and I'm waiting for the call.  Ordered one that looks similiar to Edyth's. 
I have been making keychains with the colors of the Palestinian flag.  Just a little project to keep my hands busy when we watch TV.  We finished the HOMELAND series #1 and are totally addicted!  And then of course there was the VP Debate last night.  We were both stuffing popcorn into our faces as fast as we could while we watched.
Lots of folks we know are coming down with pneumonia and the "up chuck" stuff but fortunately we are tiptoeing through all of it.  I started Christmas shopping and the MeeMaw room is getting a little cluttered.  Alicia & I went to a matinee of "Pitch Perfect" and had a good laugh.
I am getting ready to send out the WORKCAMP 2013  brochure, have the wrap-up and board meeting, contacting new churches that have requested info, and trying to update the website.  I never do anything to the website during the year so each fall I sort of have to reteach myself what to do!  And of course, pulling things together for the big 25th REUNION.  We have already reserved Richard Bland College...the pecan grove with the gym as a back up in the evening if it rains.  Once we have our wrap-up session, it will be all systems delegated and ready to go!
Nothing really exciting happening....just everyday nuts and bolts :)  Ran across this old photo & LOVE IT!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Ben P. took this photo of Al during one of his visits to Columbia.  I am excited that I booked my flight to Atlanta today and am going to down spend a couple days with my girl!  It will be nice to be down there when it isn't HOT! 
Since my last writing, I have turn 60 years old!  I went to a Gloucester High School Mega Reunion a week ago.  It was a reunion of classes from 1963 - 1971 and it was held at a huge farm in the county.  The hosts had a little helicopter that they were taking people up in....and all the tables and chairs/food were set up in an airplane hanger.  I met my Afghan friend, Mohammed Ihsan in the courthouse and we traveled to the gathering together.  It was SO good to see him along with many other old friends I hadn't seen in probably 40 years!  I can't believe I am even writing these numbers! 
I made a trip down to visit Glenn & Sheila Plott just before her birthday.  I took them WORKCAMP 2012 tshirts, hats and we shared pictures and videos.  I'm sending them one of John's sermon CDs each week so they can listen at home. 
I planted some mums down by the mailbox.  Someone took our trash can and then our little solar lights at the end of the driveway..Jon David suggested setting up a deer camera to catch the culprits.  That sounds like a fun idea to me! 
Alicia & Ellen came over for a little time around the firepit down by the pool.  Ellen was accepted into college this past week ...Gardner-Webb University in N.C.  It has been a difficult week.  One of the seniors at PGHS died in a car accident on the way to school.  He was pulling off the road for a police car with siren & flashing lights.  His car went into a culvert, flipped and into one could get him out.  Ellen is the band drum major...the young man that drowned played the tuba in the band.  Friday night's football game was difficult.  His funeral was held in the gym at the high school.
I went to Richard Bland College this past week and reserved the Pecan Grove for our workcamp 25th reunion!  Lots of new faces there so when I connected with a couple of the old ones I was thankful!  Now I am digging into the details and delegating!  It's going to be SO MUCH FUN!!!
Also found the theme song to be used next summer for WORKCAMP 2013.  It is by the group MERCY ME and is called "CRAZY ENOUGH".  We are doing a 60s theme next summer!  We have our board meeting and also the WrapUp meeting coming up the end of this month.  It will be so good to see the people I love!
John drove to upstate NY and spent a few days with family up there.  He also conducted a small graveside service for Grandma Harriet and they commited her ashes for burial.  It was pouring down rain!  The pic at the end of the blog is from that rainy day. 
I have started making little bracelets with the colors of the Palestinian flag....just a little reminder of our friends!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Enjoying A Slower Pace

                                                     With U.S.Senate candidate Tim Kaine
                                            Ellen directs PGHS band at the first football game
                                                             Paul & Alicia at the game

The weather this morning is in the 60s!  I hope to get John to carry the firepit back down to the pool so we can get in a few evenings before we close it down.  The weather change is happening SO QUICKLY!
We went to the Prince George High School first football game Friday night & were sweating the whole time!  IT WAS HOT!!!  Fun tho...and to top it off, PGHS beat Clover Hill!  Miracle!
I've started "stripping" the laminate floors in the house and treating them.  They look terrific with the new combo of cleaners I've found.
The pic above is also from Sunday afternoon at the Mediterranean Bakery & Deli in Richmond,  Saba & Jameel Abed own the business (Saba was our Arabic translator this summer).  Their family has been  friends of former Gov. Tim Kaine for many, many years.  They hosted a couple of hours of food & questions so Alicia, Ellen & I went.  Glad we did!
Al begins her full week of classes this week. Praying for a good week for her.
Well, going to begin my paperwork....a little each day so it doesn't pile up!  Also searching for a new theme song for 2013.  Think I may have found it, but not sure! :)

Monday, September 3, 2012

Still Not There Yet.....

I'm still not there yet.  I wanted to write a long script about the magical things that happened at Workcamp this summer, but I just haven't been able to put it in to words yet.  So, I am still recounting daily happenings and other special events
Tomorrow is John's 75th birthday.  This is monumental! He's not so happy talking about it so we will not be having a big celebration.  More to follow.
Yes, I am turning 60 years old this month so needless to say that in combination with my birthdate being 9/11 it will be a fun time.  Allie and Paul DID made sure that I celebrated though before she left for Atlanta.  She invited a group of close girlfriends and we went to the GODFREY'S brunch in Richmond a week ago.  It was a riot!  It's a gay bar with "lady" dancers and entertainers!  A couple pics at the bottom of this post.
The pool is finally back to blue.  Giving myself until after Labor Day to get back on track with work.  I'll be processing receipts, balancing the books, looking at preparations for a 25th Workcamp Celebration on April 20th, browsing for a theme for next summer, and getting info ready to print and send out in October.  Here we go!
I drove to Toano and spent several hours with the Plotts.  Best thing I have done in a long time.  I love them so much and wish I had taken some pictures.  Sheila will be celebrating her 90th birthday on Sept 14th!
John is considering driving to upstate New York this month to visit his hometown and brothers /sisters this month.  I have a high school reunion in Gloucester this month.  Allie begins her second semester of grad school this month.  I really am pulled toward the plight of our dear friends in Palestine now.  Another hurricane slammed into the gulf coast of Mississippi this month.  I will definitely keep everyone posted about all of these happenings. 
Gotta scurry.....
                                  Alicia, Paul, myself, Debra, Ellen Debbie & Allie having fun at Godfreys
                                                       Godfrey's Cher impersonator
                                                          My girl is back in Atlanta.....

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Still Trying to Catch Up

I've been on a mission to find some lost tools.  Alicia & I made a trip to the "boathouse" warehouse the other day.  Really creepy.  It's right on Willcox Lake and is crammed full of workcamp stuff and mice!  Found what we were looking for tho! I'm busy balancing our workcamp receipts, payments, etc.....not my favorite thing to be doing...
The pool is green & I am still fighting with it.  It's a daily thing.
Al & I went shopping a little yesterday.  A candle fell at her feet, cut her toe and she started bleeding like crazy from this tiny cut!  We were outta there in no time.
Ben's shop was broken into through the back door.  This has been the most violent, intrusive summer I can ever remember!
I called the Plotts and am taking a little road trip down there next week to visit & show them all the things that happened at Workcamp this summer. 
John now gets up at 4am on Tuesdays and cuts greens out at Fort Lee.  In return, he gets a free cart all week.  I'm not sure if it's an even tradeoff.  He likes doing it tho.
I am on and offline with the Palestinian group at times which is thrilling.  I must figure out how to share the videos on here, especially of the dancing!
Again, I am filling this space with everyday happenings and am saving the Workcamp happenings for's still just too much to process.
Louie has made two escapes out the front door when we weren't looking.  I end up cussing and we all go looking for him and he turns up wagging his tail.  Will just lays there with his nose pointed to the front door, telling us that Louie's made a run for it!  It's really funny!
Al is already signed up for classes this semester and ordering her books today. She's taking Greek this fall which John is so excited about it he can hardly stand it!
Gotta scurry.....

                                                   Allie, Ranim & Meirna try hat on in Luray
                                                                Khalil  I dance to a local musician outdoors in Luray

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Catching Up Little By Little

I'm trying really hard to get back to normal.  After all the happenings of this summer though, it's not easy.  My mind and heart are in a thousand different places.  First, I'll tackle some of the one time events that took place:
   -  The day before the second workcamp, our cars were broken in to .  Yes, they were in the garage and the garage door was open.  They rifled through our things....taking only cash.  The creepy part was that they were in our garage!  They did the same to about 4 other houses on our street. 
   -  Ben P's dad was held up at gunpoint at his job.  He is fine...
   -  The motor in Al's Honda got a crack in it....Ben found it....thankfully it was totally covered under warrenty still, so she has a brand new motor in her car!
   -  We had a run in with someone that was living in a workcamp resident's home.  Still week I     have a meeting with either Fire Chief Hairston or the Chief of Police about it.  This man is REALLY creepy!
   -  A workcamper's sister was fatally injured by a hit & run while she was riding her bike in Richmond. 
   -  Allie's friend was acousted on the street in the Fan last week. 
   -  Yesterday, while they were eating at JIMMY'S in Walnut Hill, someone busted the window in the Scudder car and took the GPS & Ellen's purse.  Kent went behind the restaurant browsing through the woods to see if they threw her purse back there, and he gouged his hand somehow on a fence.  Yep, hospital, two stitches!

OK....NOW WE HAVE GOTTEN ALL THE ROTTEN STUFF OUT OF THE WAY.  For every rotten moment there is always a Kodak moment in the Romaine house. 
   -  Alicia is cancer free and in remission!  Yep, she had a PET scan week before last and everything is clear!  We celebrate that EVERY DAY!  During July we haven't had much time to play, but now we will!  P.S.  Ellen was selected as Drum Major for the PGHS marching band.  She's following big brother, Ben's footsteps! 
   -  Al's classes are all settled for the fall.  She is excited to get back down there to her little apartment on campus and see friends, but I am sure that leaving Ben here will be a challenge.  He is driving with her down to Atlanta to haul "stuff" and then flying back right after Labor Day. 
   -  Looks like Allie & Paul B. are planning a brunch at GODFREY'S for my 60th birthday with some girlfriends.  Pictures to follow.  (P.S.  Godfrey's is a flamboyant musical performing place for cross dressers!  FUN!)
   -  Lovin' our John Deere lawn mower!  Just lovin' it!
   -  Went to a fun happening in Midlothian for BFF Linda Dugent's surprise 60th birthday!  Lotsa fun and a precurser to the fun coming with the same friends in July at Workcamp 2012
   -  John briefly took on another church out in Dinwiddie.  He was at Tabernacle the first & third Sundays and then on the second & fourth he was at Rowanta.  Turns out Rowanta was WAY to fundamental for his taste.  He is no longer there, thank God!  I only went there once, and it was too much for me!  Two Sunday's a month suits my taste just fine!  In my next blog I will talk about all the happenings at WORKCAMP 2012!

                                          Family Gathering in Horsepasture VA
                                          Ben, Allie & "Ricky Bobby" on Father's Day
                                          Allie & Paul on Memorial Day
             John R. & John Daniel putting up the walls at CHMS for Workcamp

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


There is so much to much to share!  The month of JULY 2012 was incredibly full of so many happenings and new faces and feelings. 

Above is a link to a Channel 6 News story that Wayne Covil did for us.  Below are some photos of the summer.  I will write more soon! 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Thunderstorms & More Thunderstorms!

 YUP, it's getting closer and closer!  THUNDERSTORMS have rocked our area for several days now.  Trees down in places.  Lots of folks still without power.  Thank God, we never lost power since the temperatures have been in the triple digits.  Atlanta had it's hottest day EVER yesterday, so Al is glad she is here!
Last night was fun.  About 35 of us went up to Stonehenge Country Club for a little surprise 60th Birthday Party for Linda Dugent, our Queen of the Tool Room.  She was totally surprised!  Some of us old workcamp folk were there and I got to see MARSHA D....hadn't seen her in AGES!  Ben & Allie hung around for a little bit.
Our 16 year old Yorkie, Will, gave us a scare a few days ago.  We thought he was slipping away.  Then a couple days later, he had a miracle and is now back to his old self.  Yes, he's slower, but he's happy, eating and doing well!
Jeffrey won 2nd place in the VIRGINIA SCHOOL BUS ROADEO, so the Saturday the first workcamp ends, we run him to the airport to fly to Wisconsin for the National Roadeo!  This picture above looks so funny because Jeff looks NOTHING like he used to! 
Tomorrow night the walls go up at Colonial Heights Middle School.  We usually have a gang of about 25 - 30 people there and the walls & stage are up by 9pm.  It's pretty amazing!  Pictures to follow later.
This morning is Tabernacle, but we are watching the storm cells on TV because of all the violent & unpredictable weather.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Goodness Gracious!!! LONG TIME!

Goodness gracious!!! I totally forgot that I have a blog!  I totally forgot to post ANYTHING!!!  Our lives are so full this time of year and every day passes more quickly than the day before!  I guess the best way to update is just to give out random information!!
-  Jeffrey won 2nd place in the VA STATE ROADEO in Roanoke last week.  He now goes to Milwaukee in July for the  
   national competition!
-  John has taken on another church.  He now speaks at TABERNACLE METHODIST on the first & third Sundays and
   then preaches at ROWANTA CHURCH on the second & fourth Sundays.  I am visiting Rowanta tomorrow for the first
-  Al is home and completed her first semester of grad school at Columbia Theological Seminary in Atlanta with flying
    colors.  She'll head back in August.  She, Ben P. and I went blackberry picking the other day and plan to head back to
    gather more tomorrow afternoon. 
-  WORKCAMP 2012 is gathering steam each day.  Both camps are full.  The second week will be our first international
   camp with a youth group attending from the middle east.  We even have an Arabic interpreter attending hired!
-  A date has been set for a 25th Celebration for workcamp - APRIL 20, 2013
-  I'll be attending a Mega Reunion for Gloucester High School in September.  About 7 classes have gotten together so we
   can see more folks we were in school with.  I am so excited to go!
-  Alicia & Ellen are on a road trip to see Ben & Jen in Corpus Christi, Texas.  I miss them!
-  Niece, Jennifer Long graduated from high school
-  Cousin Bradley Morris is getting married in July.  Jeffrey & I will be missing the wedding because of camp, but Allie &
   Ben P. will represent for us!  Jon & family are heading to the wedding also.
-  I will be 60 years old in September.....John will be 75....and that's all I'm going to say about that!

Friday, May 4, 2012

The Speed of Life Is Picking up!

I love this little picture.  No, it's not Louie, but it looks just like him!  He spent part of today at Crater Vet getting clipped and preened!  I spent most of the day with Alicia at Johnston-Willis with her while she got her pre-op done.  Doc is taking out her spacers next Thursday.  Big happening!
Our little family is taking a few knicks right now.  John stumbled on the pavers coming up from the pool the other day.  The next morn we spent at SRMC getting an xray & CAT scan of his spleen.  Bottom line:  he caught himself landing on the same three ribs he broke last year!  Not as hard this time, but there are hairline fractures in all of the same healed places.  He's doing Percocet, reading, studying and watching movies.  It's all good.
Me....I accidently inhaled some chlorine gas when I opened an old container of tablets for the pool.  Then cut the grass without using a mask.....result:  I think I have bronchitus....I will see the doc Monday if it isn't better.
Allie is wrapping up her first semester of studies in Atlanta/Decatur.  Ben P. has gone down to join her for final activites going on and a friend's wedding.  So proud of her!  She should be home around May 20.
After I visit houses next week I will only need 1 or 2 more.  That part of Workcamp is going smoothly this year.  Actually all of the preparation is going smoothly this year.  I can't believe it's May already!
The pool is open,I am just trying to get the water balanced and clear.  I love riding the John Deere and cutting grass.  The driveway is overgrown and I don't know for sure what we will do about that.
John was voted on at Rowanta Methodist Church and he will be speaking there on the 2nd and 4th Sundays....still at Tabernacle on the 1st & 3rd.  I dont' plan to go to Rowanta Methodist.  My loyalty and home is at Tabernacle.  Plus, I just don't need any more "church" stuff going on in my life!  I have met some wonderful residents for the kids this summer.  Incredible people for the teens to spend time with.
As our older neighbor Margaret used to say..."Much to do!  Much to do!" 

Thursday, April 26, 2012


I do not like this new Blogspot format....just when you get used to doing something with ease, they (whoever they are) think they'll make things better & easier.  Wish they would give us a choice! 

Everyone knows I am not a cook, but I thought these two photos were extra cute ideas for special occasions.  I actually put them on here for Sheila P.  The melon is for a baby shower and the little chicks are actually deviled eggs for Easter.  Way too cute!
Ben leaves today by bus to go down to Atlanta with Al.  She'll finish up school and the both of them will be bringing "stuff" back for the summer.  I am really looking forward to having her back for the summer.....
John visited a church in Dinwiddie this past Sunday.  They want him to preach for them the second & fourth Sundays....we'll see.  He is actually getting up at 4:30am one morning a week and cutting some of the greens out at the Fort Lee Golf Course.  For that, he gets free carts for each week.....geezzzzzzz.  You'd think after being a member their continuously for some 30 odd years and turning 75 this year they would let him have a cart!  Another thing I am p.o. about.
I've been with Alicia on various doctor visits, later....
I have much to do and so much to type.....better scurry!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Mid April Already!

Just thought I'd post this terrific pic of John's "Mom" a couple years ago....Everyone is back from all the different journeys and things are back to normal (ha!) again.

The pool is open and the yard is looking good.....Al only has a few more weeks at CTS before she's home....

John has been asked to speak at another local small church on the 2nd & 4th Sundays....he's going to visit there next week, just to check it out.

Will write more later....much to do....and today is SATURDAY!!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter.....Quiet...

Here's Lois's deviled eggs for her family Easter dinner! I just had to post the's sooooooo cute!

Well, Allie & Ben made it to NY at they are only a couple hours from home....a real whirlwind for them. Once they arrive, Ben has to play the piano for the 11am Easter service at Redeemer Lutheran and Al catches a 3:30pm plane back to Atlanta. Whew! I remember driving from Wooster, Ohio and Savannah, GA just to be home a few hours, so it doesn't seem odd to me, just TIRING! John is at a little slower pace and is flying home on Monday and I miss him terribly!

My Easter....totally quiet. I worked out in the yard and by the pool today and did some Tomorrow I'll ride the John Deere and cut grass. It actually feels good to have the pressure of Easter relieved.

Best part...the weather is cool!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Change of Plans....

Al flew home for spring break/Easter. It was to be a quiet, easy week for all of us. I guess God had something else in mind. Harriet, John's step-mom that raised him from age 13 up, passed away Monday evening. John flew into Ithica yesterday where Uncle Vic picked him up at the airport and they made their way back to Moravia, NY.
Allie & Ben P. plan to drive up late after he gets off work today (Friday). For them it will be a marathon because Al flies out of Richmond back to Atlanta on Easter Sunday and Ben has obligations at his church. They are driving John's little Honda since Al's car is in GA.
I am staying here in Petersburg to hold down the fort with the animals. It was awfully quiet last night, but I know that we have all made the right decisions to be where each of us are. It's just hard to see everyone going in different directions. All will be well in my world on Monday when John flies back & Al is back at school in GA. I have MUCH to do here to keep me busy so the time will go by quickly....
Tabernacle Church decided to just have Sunday School in John's's difficult for Easter Sunday.
I had made up Easter baskets for Al & Ben...they were Prince George camo buckets with goodies! Funny!
It was so warm, we started cleaning the pool area and started up the it's cold again but it looks so beautiful to have the pool going. I also put out the humming bird feeders.
Alicia took me to have my colonoscopy last week....a good report....I dont' have to have another for 10 years!
Allie & I went to see Dr. Ciurash yesterday and he adjusted her meds so hopefully she'll feel good once she returns to Decatur.
An old friend, Lisa Schaffner, called and did a phone interview for BOOMER MAGAZINE on Workcamp. She was the cub reporter that traveled to West VA with us for our first workcamp with Walnut Hill Baptist Church. She became anchor for Channel 8 and now work's for a non-profit. She will use photos from off our website.
Friend Jerry came by and cut up a good portion of the fallen tree in the back yard from Hurricane little solar lites leading the pathway down to the pool...and I get to ride the John Deere this weekend & cut grass (love it!)

Monday, March 26, 2012


Just a picture of Edith &'s was her birthday this past month. It's a great photo....

I don't know where winter went. There are so many things to do around here...We may start the pool up because the weather has been so warm and the water standing still is not a good thing when the temp is up.

We need to pull up pavers at the front steps, but John & I neither want to go under the house after the big SNAKE appeared last year....we've been waiting until the weather was good but COLD, but I guess that's not gonna happen. Today...I think I'll just clean and set out the hummingbird feeders.

Al is overwhelmed with school and that translates to me being frustrated here at home....nuff said.

Workcamp is going like steam roller....applications coming in...and the bigger picture is's always a miracle to watch all of it fall together!

I am terrified about my colonoscopy on Thursday....don't know why....I have had countless medical things, so I don't know why this one procedure is un-nerving me! I will be SO GLAD when it is over!

I bought the book, THE HUNGER GAMES today just to see what it is all about. I know it is extremely popular and almost a cult thing like Harry Potter, so I figured I better be up on it. The movie came out this past weekend.

The hummingbird feeders call....:)

Friday, March 23, 2012

IT's Late...& I'm not Asleep...

Well, this weekend will be strange indeed. It will be the first time Allie has not been with us on her birthday. Yep, she'll be 25 years old on Saturday, March 24th and it is so hard to believe. She'll be home in a week though for spring break....home all the first week of April. She flies back to Atlanta on Easter Sunday.

John finished up his Lent services at Prince George Christian. He doesn't have anything to prepare for until Sunday after next....I'm sure he'll get antsy!

Workcamp applications are flowing in, so I am keypunching all day getting all the names in about ten different data bases for name tags, crews, emergency phone numbers....etc. It's exciting to see who is coming!

I've been spraying weed killer in the paver cracks. It's long term "stuff" so it should keep the grass from growing all summer. I finished the front and side and halfway around the pool....don't like doing it's creepy stuff!

Speaking of the pool, I guess we'll start the pump up this weekend. It's getting really cloudy standing still with the pollen building up. I have NO IDEA where the winter went this year! I started putting screens back in the windows also...

John's son, Paul, had hip replacement surgery ....doing great....

Alicia has shingles...yes, I said shingles. She was hurting really badly under her arm where the radiation was concentrated....then saw blisters and the rest is history. WHEW! They are heading to N.C. this weekend so that Ellen can visit Gardner-Webb College, Alicia's old Alma Mater.

Tomorrow will be the 28 years since my dad passed away....seems like yesterday...

OK...I'm falling asleep at the computer....

Monday, March 19, 2012

Ups & Downs

Lots of ups & downs. Mostly ups though! John is enjoying his Wednesday nights at Prince George Christian Church for the Lent services. He and the pastor are singing a duet at their Sunday service this week...

Yesterday was a special day at Tabernacle. John christened his first baby, LOGAN NEAL MOULTHROP. It was a fun day of family & food.

VCU's basketball team had another nailbiter Saturday night....and they lost by 2 points. So, we are no longer interested in basketball March Madness. Both of us are a little sick about the was to the Indiana "Hoosiers" and our guys were supposed to not even hardly score against them. We were in the lead most of the game, and then at the end....well....

I've started spraying the pavers so that the weeds won't start growing on the sidewalks and around the pool.

Al's flight was changed so she ended up being here about a week! She will come back home the first week of April for spring break. Down side...she hasn't been feeling well. She'll see the specialist when she comes home.

I drove to Springfield last Thursday to Grace Presbyterian for a meeting with their special committee that is bringing over the Palestinian youth group to workcamp this summer. Lots of ideas and lots to do!

Debra Bailey's dad passed away....Today is Jon David's birthday....Heading out in a few minutes to visit a couple possible workcamp homes.

I think I have found Tuesday night entertainment for workcamp: Balloon Dude Travis....o boy, this should be fun to investigate!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

March Madness

Our house is far from being sane lately! It truly is March Madness and basketball isn't the only craziness. We are really loving watching VCU beat team after team and looking forward to their first game in Albequerque, New Mexico! So much fun!

Allie flew home late Thursday night. She spent most of the first day home finishing up a huge book review. She, Ben & I went to the old Byrd Theatre in Richmond today to see the movie HUGO (picture). I can't describe was such a sweet, touching movie. Many folks in the theater were quietly crying....I cried on the way home....I just could say why! Guess that's the reason it won Oscars!

Tomorrow is a big day! Lois and I are going to the Landmark Theater in Richmond to see the Broadway production of THE LION KING! The only thing i dislike about this....I CAN"T TAKE ANY PICS! I've heard stories of the wonderful costumes and music.....I've wanted to see it a long time. The show is at 1pm.

Allie was supposed to fly home tomorrow, but realized that she physically had no classes this coming week because of we changed her flight to Thursday. It's so good to have her home!

This coming week all of the individual applications are due from the various churches attending WORKCAMP 2012. I will be buried under paperwork for a couple of days!

Also, on Thursday night, I travel to Springfield, VA to Grace Presbyterian to meet with the group of folks that are bringing over the Palestinian youth group this summer. I am beyond excited about that! More news to come on that.

President Obama visited Prince George yesterday....I wasn't on the invitation list....

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Much Is Happening...

The calendar is full! Loved the picture...VCU won the CAA Division and is on to the NCAA again! So much fun to watch!

John had his colonoscopy yesterday...he's clean as a whistle! We drove in the snow going up there and it was all gone by the time we returned. Doesn't have to have another for 5 years. He was quite comical waking up! He and I are heading to McKenney for a graveside service today at 2pm....mother of one of our Tabernacle members.

Allie is flying home late Thursday! She is spending the weekend. She'll be interviewing one of her old professors for a paper she is writing for Columbia. Great excuse to get her home! Thanks to brother DAVID for footing the bill! Haven't seen her since January! That's a first for us! I changed the date for my colonoscopy to the 29th because of her visit! Yep, nice excuse for me!

My big mission this week is to get WILL to the vet. He is so old now...coughing a lot....just getting his rabies shot and something for his cough. Nothing high maintenance....he's a happy dog...eating and playing and lots of sleeping...really aging tho...

I've been working on the file of translating English to Arabic words and phrases for our staff handbooks this summer. I go to Springfield, VA on the 15th to meet with the committee that is bringing the Palestinian group over for camp. So excited! If any of you want to look up the town the kids are from it is NABLUS. It is on the northern west bank.

Meeting with Lynn soon about the tshirt designs....

Alicia is finished with her radiation treatments. Having quite a time with her "burning" skin....She's a trooper tho!

Lois & I are going to the Landmark Theatre on Sunday to see THE LION KING! SO EXCITED!

I am bummed about my bloodwork report....the doc put me on low dosages of a statin drug for chloresterol and metformin for sugar elevation.....I REALLY got to get it in gear for this summer!

Lots of things I see I want to do....

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Where Are the Days Going???

Here's John in his VCU hat. We are loving the VCU basketball games. Because we do not have Comcast and are too cheap to sign up for the live video feed, we watch little stick figures on the computer and listen to the live feed on Ram Radio. Can't wait until the finals when we will be able to watch on tv.

Al phoned to say she caught a bug....101 fever, congestion....funny....all those times she subbed in those snot filled classrooms and never contracted a thing! Knock on wood, John & I remain healthy. I scheduled our colonoscopys today. Don't know why, but I really have the heebie jeebies about this procedure :(

Went by Alicia's today....they have a new couch just in time for Ben & Jen to come home for a visit from Texas! I also visited four new residents today....this summer is going to be phenominal!

John & I are loving our new Keurig...the caffiene is making me a little nuts tho, but the coffee is SO GOOD! We gave each other the new coffee machine for Valentine's Day.

On a sad note....Whitney Houston is gone....

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Happy Anniversary

Today is our wedding anniversary....27 years! John and I ventured down to Toano, VA to visit with Glenn & Sheila Plott. Glenn married us all those years ago. We had a wonderful long visit!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Things Are a Little Bit Back To Normal

I am posting the VCU RAMS logo because John & I are loving keeping up with the basketball team. Even when we can't get it on TV we get statistic updates on the computer while we are watching something else.

I took Alicia to radiation therapy today in Richmond so we stopped off at the VCU bookstore and picked up a few trinkets to send Allie. It felt odd being in Richmond without her. I can't believe she navigated downtown for all those years! So proud of that girl!

John just downloaded one of Al's school books on his Kindle so he can read the same thing she is reading. I have slacked off on crocheting. I did get all my Christmas gifts finished, so that was my goal.

John & I are making plans to head down to Toano on our anniversary to spend the day with Glenn & Sheila Plott. Glenn was the minister that married us 27 years ago! They'll be making soup and we will bring Subway to share. It will be so good to see them!

I hope to give both doggies baths this weekend....that's my big goal!

Monday, January 30, 2012

What A Month!!

This month has been a whirlwind. I can't even remember what I have written. Alie & I hit the road Sunday before last headed for Georgia. It is a trip I will long remember and long want not to remember! We were in a 16' Penske truck and behind us we were pulling her Honda on a car trailer! I can't believe we didn't take out any stop signs or people along the way.

We spent the night Sunday nite in Morganton and ate with the Potter/Pruitt clan at a Mexican restaurant. It was so good to see Edyth....and of course, Joseph (& Leah) will be living just across the parking lot from Al at Columbia. By the time we landed in Decatur, Joseph had rounded up a few folks to help unload the truck. People just started coming out of the woodwork and the truck was unloaded in about 1 hr!!! We headed into Atlanta to return the truck/trailer and the headed to the Decatur Diner for some food. We were both white knuckled and trembling when we walked in out of the heavy fog! We met Beryl, the waitress and she was a welcoming delight!

Tuesday was spent unpacking....I took a cab to the airport Wednesday and flew home on AIR TRAN (no more Delta for this family!). Al loves it there.....

I have been a slug for a few days. Alicia has started her radiation treatments. She & Ellen came over one evening and we watched THE HELP (again). John had a memorial service to conduct Saturday and was thrilled to bring home a big plate of homemade Tabernacle food!

It's strange having Al so far away....good proud of her!

Now the push to get back into WORKCAMP prep!