Thursday, March 12, 2020


It has been years since I have written.  It seems like a lifetime.  Things have changed in so many ways.  I am thankful most of them have been for the good. I am blessed with good friends and family to help through those that were difficult.  
John passed away on December 28, 2017. His funeral service and just about every photo ever taken of him is online on my Facebook page.  I am directing you there if you want to seek it out.  Let's just say I am thankful, so thankful that it was fast.  I can't write anymore about it. 

I'm going to do this in pictures.  They are random...over the past several years.  I will comment on them so you can see where they are from.  Enjoy.  

Beautiful photo of the Coleman Bridge in Gloucester
.  Heading there for our 50th Class of 1970 Reunion in May.

A memory from 2006 when we celebrated Mardi Gras
with about 75 TCW friends to help rebuild after
Hurricane Katrina.  

The following photos are of my desk.  It's the center
of the universe for TCW.  Yes, I know where EVERYTHING is!

  I keep so many momentos around my desk.  Good energy!

Olive rosary from Palestine.  I have a whole cabinet
shelf of gifts and precious things from the people I
love there.  N A B L U S, Palestine 

P.S.  I made the bear with the MardiGras bead

The daffodils bloomed WAY too soon this year.  I brought some in from
the yard.  This is a beautiful photo from Gloucester, VA.  I wrote a
song about the DAFFODILS to have sung at our 50th reunion
with Mike Ward.  

This is Brandon from Petersburg Public Schools.  There was
an incredible grassroots meeting held in a church basement
last week pulling all the neighborhoods from the 1990s
back into an association - PAN (Petersburg Assn of Neighborhoods)
I was invited to participate and speak since TCW was so involved with them

 Me last weekend at the DRIFTING event organized by my
son-in-law.  Drifting is fast car driving on a very curvy track.
It is an international sport...definitely NOT Nascar!
I rode with BEN driving......WHOAAAAA!!!!
This is Nancy Wein, founder of
RPIP - Richmonders for Peace in Israel & Palestine
We saw an incredible documentary last week taken
in Hebron.  This group meets once a  month and are
so supportive of our Palestinian campers

Just a little sample of DRIFTING.  

My son-in-law Ben at the track.
yea, drifting!

The snow was so beautiful in February.  This is
the trip down our driveway one morning.  

An old friend I found when making phone calls to locate folks
for our 50th reunion.  Randall Beaver was my SCA advisor and very'
instrumental in who I am now.  Always encouraging...always saying yes
I love him dearly.  So glad I found him!!

Our Palestinian teen team from NABLUS for Workcamp 2019.
Beautiful people I love very  much.  

VCU RAM basketball suspended along with many other activities
around the world because of the CORONA VIRUS.

Just a reminder of the empowering things that go on
during workcamp..Power in PINK!!

Al showed me how to take a selfie.  The only way I
could push the buttons was laying back.  Oh boy. 
Didn't mean for it to be "come hither":)  Funny!

Just a photo of my vehicle after my accident about 4 years ago.
I am thankful for airbags and the good ol' boy that pulled threw me his
hunting knife so I could cut the seatbelt before he pulled me thru the windshield. 

My sweet sweet friend, Mohammed Ihsan.  We walked into
the class reunions the past few times.  He passed away last
year from pancreatic cancer.  I have stones from the old GHS
rubble to take to put on his footstone.  I will be going soon.  

Yes, this is happening MARCH 28th.  I have always wanted to
jump from a plane and I'm excited.  Photos and video will be
posted here! 

New rubber ID bracelets arrived for this summer's camp!

My favorite flower because it reminds me of so many good
things.  I will post the lyrics to the song DAFFODILS that
I wrote.  I guess this is the time to mention that I have begun writing
songs for the first time in over 30 years.  Also playing the piano.  It's so
therapeutic and feels so good!  Just finish a song about a Pburg resident
I met and a little girl from Allie's office.  Allie now works at a non-profit
in their Interpreter Services  along with Refugees & Immigration.  It is
heartbreaking.  The prompter for all this writing.  My old friend, DAVID KING,
who started my career in music in the 1990s.  He says I have "risen from the dead"

The hands of the youth and young adults are good hands to be in.

The fireplace at Christmas time.  

My license plate

What I really try to do in life.  

This and the following few photos are from Blandford Cemetary in
Petersburg, VA.  I took them after some genealogical digging for
Randall Beaver on Ancestry and finding out that his gggrandfather is
one of few that there is a record on as being buried in the
crater there after the BATTLE OF THE CRATER  

Ahhhhhh Ranim.  Oh how we wished we could have
gone to her wedding in Jordan!  So beautiful!!!!

My babies :)

Back of the house during winter.

Ben's sister, ABBY was married this past December.  They
now live in southern California.  Spencer is in the Navy.

Edyth and I onstage MANY, MANY moons ago!  Thank God we
have both changed physically!  

My sweet Paul doing his thing in NYC.  So proud of him and all
the successes he is having!  He sang so beautifully at
John's service.  

BFF Lynn and her daughter Sid.  Lynn beat kidney cancer and
Sid was married this past fall!  My precious friends.

My brother Jon (on the left) receiving an award from NC schools.
He is one of their main architects! 

Of course, I had to put in a photo on the plight of Palestine.  This young
woman was trying to cross at one of the checkpoints to see her family.  She was
shot in the back by the IDF (Israeli Defense Force) .  There is video of them
kicking her phone out of her reach as she tried to call for help as she died.  It
a daily activity of this regime.  

My beautiful daughter in her kafia scarf.  So proud of her
and the people she is assisting.  She's fluent in French, speaks
Arabic and is embedded in Spanish in her office.  

This group of people are my heart.  This is part of the staff of TCW in
the summer.  Full of hugs, kisses and goofiness! 

My cousin Daniel in Woolwich, London, England.  He is another part
of my heart.  His apartment has a beautiful view of the Thames and
the ferries going by.  I can't wait to go see him again.  

Al and I are heading to this little hideaway in Nags Head next weekend
for 3 nights just to sit and look at the waves.  I'm not a summer sun beach
person, but LOVE sitting on the shore in the snuggly weather.  It's right next
to the fishing pier also!

This last two photos are from summer camps.  I only put two because
there is a plethora of them at online  

Well, this is a good chunk of visually catching up.  More in the next post.  

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