Thursday, March 19, 2020


I didn't know what to call this post so I just wrote "ramblings".  I don't like not being able to get in touch with people I care about.  I know this stems from the night my family couldn't find me when Terry died.  I'm fine as long as I know everyone is safe in their place.  No amount of busy-ness makes it go away.  Consequently I'm getting an enormous amount of things done....just with a broken heart.  

The garage is looking good.  About 2/4 the way done.  Of course, the tubs now have to be gone through, but at least I can walk and park the van in there.  Scary part now,...S N A K E S.  The weather is warm today and tomorrow and I'm scared that snakes will make their way in there.  No more talk of snakes!

I love the lilacs that I planted in the barrels and along the sidewalk.  And they smell so good!  

Texting online with Michael in England.  So good to hear from him.  My cousin, Daniel, is so anxious that he's not wanting to chat.  I tried calling him, but to no avail.  Cousin Susan from Roanoke called and we chatted a bit.  No business calls tho.  No mail.  No TCW phone calls.   I called Chris C in Wmburg and he repaired our Go Fund Me site.  I have screwed that up royally trying to update.  He's a genius.  Here's the link below.  Just click on Petersburg to Palestine

Petersburg to Palestine

Looks like the pool will be ready for the new liner tomorrow.  Two trucks of water will be brought in to hold the liner in place while they work.  The rest of the water will come from the garden hose.  We have a deep well.  I can run it for 3 hours and then turn it off for 3 hours at a time.  It saves a lot of cost.  

The skydiving jump has been temporarily been moved to April 18th.  The trip to Nags Head moved indefinitely.  That trip will depend on after camp and what the CDC says.  

I'm sure many people look at my homeplace and think I must be wealthy.  Let me just settle this by saying, I am not.  My home was paid for with money from my brother and father's deaths.  I would have much rather had them here.  John was forced to retire early so we lost much of his retirement because of that, but for reasons I can't explain, he was unable to continue working.  
I am comfortable, but by no means, wealthy.  Saving for taxes, maintenance, etc is a very real thing.  Personally, I am a low maintenance gal though.  No new furniture since the late 80s.  My clothes closet has MANY things that have been seen throughout the years.  
I just don't put much importance on things.  I really could be very happy living in a small warm place.  I do love sharing my place now with others.  It does make me happy to hear other voices in the house.  

The next post is to be a positive one.  Lots of photos!  

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