Friday, March 27, 2020


THE SUN IS OUT!!!!  Whoop!!! It's so beautiful out!  It's been gray here for so long.  Today is going to be a beautiful day!  Thankful!!!

This is such a beautiful picture of the Coleman Bridge at Gloucester Point.  There is a website (I can't remember the name) attached to our reunion where photographers post photos of the county.  Some of them are so beautiful

Beautiful photo of my daughter dressed one Halloween as Audrey Hepburn. 

I think Jeff & I were singing at the Hampton Coliseum hotel....not sure who sent the flowers.  By the way, I heard that they are going to tear the actual coliseum down and rebuild with a new one.  Apparently is is less costly to rebuild that to repair???

This is on my list as the "think I don't want to do but needs to be done".  It's really not that bad. It will also feel good to have it done:)  

The house was quiet yesterday and at night.  I had a fun, relaxing time editing photos...put them on the last blog post.  Can't believe it is Friday again already. 

This post is already turning into a random thought post.  I hear every little creak and whistle.  I can't remember a time when there was SO MUCH TIME at my disposal.  I start to do my normal rush and then realize I don't have to rush.  Ben and Al may take a drive down one day.  Ben is off for 4 days.  I have to stay away from them though because he has been going into work each day with precautions.  

I'm getting ready to order some Rustoleum black paint so that I can sand and paint the rod iron chairs & table down at the pool.  They are at least 20 years old and have never been done.   That would be a good outside project after their visit.  I've wanted to do that for years, but no time.  Time is my friend now! 

 And it's the little things!  A note in the mail....a phone call just to say I'm thinking about you...the sunshine....the birds singing I haven't seen in doggie laying in the sunshine...the slow progression of the day giving me time to create....

When I talk with anyone on the phone, we try not to talk about the pandemic.  I'm looking at it as a time to laugh and be light.....and to be an encouragement to one another.  My brother, Jeff & I have a great time on the phone.  He is such an incredible singer.  He and I traveled and sang for about 3 years.  Our agent sent us great jobs in upscale hotels so we had great accommodations.  He has such an easy going attitude and great sense of humor.  He is really my half brother.  Terry and I were the only truly brother and sister.  Jeff & Jon and I share a mom.  They grew up in the Charlotte area of NC....I really didn't get to know them until Jeff graduated from high school.  He moved in with me in VA.  We set up equipment in the dining room and BAM, we started singing & building a repertoire.  So much fun!  Once I married though, he joined a band and I stopped.  It was then that I sought out the job at the local church with their youth and BAM...all of that started.  All of us are extremely close.  

Having a bit of a problem with the Blogger program loading photos.  Maybe later!

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