Monday, March 23, 2020


This little lady is going to be 33 years old tomorrow.  We will have a big party with friends and family after all this chaos.  No birthday present from Amazon....packages contaminated?  No birthday cake delivered for the same reasons?  I don't know.  I have always striven for balance in life and so many of these restrictions seem over the top to me.  I'm honoring the requests of my family, but if it were just me in this situation, I think my decisions would be different.  So many things are converging in this time.  I am grieving closeness gone with many things and people.  I keep reminding myself, everyone else is sacrificing and if we all do, then all of this will be over sooner.  There are just voices I miss that would be comforting and fun to talk with.  My cousin, Daniel, (British) is so filled with anxiety that he says he can't talk.  His job working with special needs adults is so hard right now too.  I will go to London soon.  Especially if camp doesn't happen and the CDC says travel is permitted.
"Skin hunger" I have learned is a real thing.  It exists rampantly in older folks in nursing homes where human touch is rare.  People are starting to experience it now if they are used to touching, hugging, etc.  I had never heard of "skin hunger".  My friend I ate with at the Tramanto the week before all this happened brought it up when I was telling her about my visits to residents for TCW.  I ALWAYS touch or hug residents when I meet them or before I leave their homes.  I think it is odd that we talked about this before the madness started. 

Really missing that there are no NCAA playoffs or March Madness. But, it's probably a good thing because VCU played horribly this season.  I have a strong feeling that our GHS 1970 50th Reunion isn't going to happen...May is just too close.  Perhaps by moving the date later if will give some folks like Karen D and Eugene W the chance to come from Denver and Alaska.  Having it in May was not possible for these two folks, changing the date will maybe help logistics.  

I definitely would love to see these two smiling faces,  Karen and her husband were a hoot at the last reunion.  They do competitive ballroom dancing.  So much fun to watch them dance 10 years ago.  They live in Denver.  And of course, Eugene Washer.  He and his wife came all the way from Alaska to the 40th reunion. They were so much fun to have visiting.  We had a little 6th grade romance for a few weeks. I think he gave me his "safety patrol" badge.  Ahhhhhhhh, when things weren't so complicated! 
I have a fantasy about the reunion, but it's my own private thoughts.  I am so used to walking in with Ihsan.  John chose not to come to any celebrations like it.  I should be used to going alone,  I bought two tickets for dinner with the hope that someone would walk in with me and have my back when I sing. I could really use the encouragement.  Joan S. (Class of 69 & fellow cheerleader) said she would jump in last minute if her trip to Japan didn't conflict.   I usually don't partake of the whole weekend.  I show up for the dinner, a little dancing....Mike Ward and I sing, ...and then I leave.  Mike wrote a terrific little song for the last reunion, so I will share the "DAFFODIL" song this year. At the last reunion, they asked me to sing the Beatles song "YESTERDAY" but it seems like such a downer.  I love the song, but .....Anyway, I hope to have a "date" take the second ticket I bought and walk in with me and have my back when sing.   Crap...I can do this by myself if I have to.   Plus, if I don't feel like going, I don't have to!  I need that escape option.

I just learned that I don't have to drive to NC for my doctor's appointment tomorrow.  I talked with her over the phone and expressed my concerns.  She is calling in the necessary medications to my local Walgreen's!  Hooray for drive thru! 

I CANNOT GET WARM!  I'm typing under the covers but it's wet and cold outside.  These fingerless gloves that I was given as a gift are PERFECT for typing!!! LOVE IT! 
A plus though for still cold weather,,,,S N A K E S!!!! I am believing that they are going to stay underground a little bit longer! Ellen hadn't taken down the Christmas wreath off her apartment door and now there is a nest built in it.   I even had a resident that had a snake issue!  I ended up talking to ORKIN who had a wildlife expert.  He gave me a plan.  But, after much discussion with the resident she explained that there was only one snake but that she panic-d and sprinkled the sulfur everywhere.  We got this now! 

Everyday at 2pm our governor, who is a physician, does a live broadcast to inform Virginians.  He is so calming, accurate and has the necessary officials with him each day.  Yes, I trust him.  I think he'd doing a bang up job.  They all meet at 7:30am, process all the incoming data and information, and then give all of it to Virginians at 2pm.  I am not watching the national news at all.  I used to judge people that didn't follow at least 3 news stations, but now....I'm just doing my part and hunkering down and logging in applications for camp.

  Talked yesterday with old dear friend, Marilyn, who lives in New Fort Richey in Florida.  I had avoided talking with her for years because husband Scotty was fighting cancer.  He's much better now, and she reached out to me on Messenger.  It was SO good to talk with her.  Her first question was to ask me where I was singing.  AGHHHHHHH! Another one to explain to that I had put that away for decades and that now I am writing and loving it, but I have no desire to sing publicly.  I'd love for other people to sing what I have written.  
She's a very fun and lively person, but also very anxious.  She showed me these drawings called, ZEN TANGLES.  I'd never heard of them.  She says she does one drawing a day to relieve anxiety.  She told me to look at Pintrest for many different patterns.  I am so curious.  Will post any findings.  

One big disappointment.  I was loving the show FLIRTY DANCING.  Well, just found out it was totally scripted and blocked out and the dances were filmed over and over and edited!!! Makes me so sad.  I was snookered.  Yep, going back in my shell!!

So friends, in memory of Kenny & Dolly, sing one of their greatest songs while you wash your hands! 

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