Monday, March 16, 2020


Nancy is here tuning the piano.  The sound is constant.  Sort of funny! I go weeks here with no sound and then all of the sudden mucho noise!  It's sweet ...even though Louie tried to pee on her tool box! Nancy was Al's piano teacher for several years when she was in elementary school:)

Chuck, the pool guy, is here also.  And I can't escape anywhere because of "Mr. Corona".  Ha!  Gonna figure out the best use of my time.  Writing or computer work is out of the question because I am hearing EVERY plucked string on the piano.  Lordy!!

Worried about friends in Florida & Carolina. My British cousin is close to a panic attack.  Ahhhhhh.  I just spied my basket of crocheting.  Perhaps that's a good channel for me right now until the piano banging stops! 

IT'S A GREAT DAY TO chat with friends on the phone.  Darlene is driving from Indiana to home in NC so I'll probably call her and keep her company for a little. 

I MISS GOOD FUN STIMULATING CONVERSATION ON THE PHONE!  Don't want to talk about the virus!  There are so many other wonderful places to take our brains right now! 

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