Tuesday, March 24, 2020


Yes, I escaped Deer Run for a little bit this morn. I drove through Walgreen's for meds!  BIG TRIP!  Our governor is on right now.  He does a news update with his experts and answers questions from the gathering.  Every day.  I love him.  He is so low key.  He is a physician.  He relies on data and science.  This group is saying if everyone will do their part, there is a good chance we can see relief in two to three months.  

It is this little beauty's 33rd birthday today.  It is the strangest of birthdays (heaven only knows what she has in her diaper!)  We are hardly acknowledging it today and focusing on our celebrations for the future!  P.S. I do know that she has Matchbox cars in her purse! 

The mandate has come down from the GHS Class of '70 Reunion Committee.  The date has been moved to August 2020.I think this is WONDERFUL news.  Now perhaps folks that couldn't come in May can now make the trip.  I'm still on the fence....but don't feel as pressured to think about it now.  

 I spend about 30 minutes every other day trying to fulfill my promise to look through old photos for the reunion.  I've already pulled some news articles together for Rudy, and am now looking through my own little film camera pictures I had stored away.  The one on the right is my JR class picture.  Only reason I can tell is because of what I am wearing. 
So each night I make at least one square while I watch TV.  This afghan is one that I gave to Spencer and Abby for a wedding gift last December.  Since we are all quarantined, I am pulling out all of my random colored yarn and going to start another.  If all goes well, I should have another afghan ready by the end of all this craziness.  , 

So now that I have opened myself up again into music, I can't get enough.  I am fascinated by words and their meanings as lyrics.  It was so good to talk with Tippi the other day and share with her that I had written songs about her and the married a-hole she stayed with for 10 years only to have him dump her for a girl 10 years younger.   She has a good heart...a tender heart, but boy was she guarded on the phone. I hope she is OK.  I feel from personal experience, that if someone is guarded it is for a reason.  I have been unguarded for about 3 months now....and I believe I opened up too much.  So, now my saving grace is music.  It lets me feel whatever I want openly.  I don't have to be afraid about music making me cry anymore. I can embellish and lie in my songs.  I can release fantasies and stories in my songs.  It's so therapeutic.  It is too much for people around me....especially if they are woven into the songs somewhere.  That's a strong drink...as witnessed by me when I talked to Tip and another friendship.  So, I'm going back into the closet with my songs for a bit.  I'll be more selective who gets to hear them.  

Anyway, I've been watching AMERICAN IDOL and all these beautiful talented kids with words that express true feelings.  Their lyrics make mine sound so mild. And my low, low voice makes me feel like a dinosaur.  I have no desire to perform again...anywhere.  Well, maybe privately but certainly never again to make a living.  It would be wonderful for others with beautiful controlled voices to sing my lyrics though.  
This was the simple lyrics of a country singer, Lauren Mascitti, that she wrote for her "nana".  So beautiful and plain.  
God made a man and He looked around at the birds in the air and beast of the ground
He said "Adam, my boy, you look a little down"
So God made a woman.

He took a little beauty and He took a little grace, a whole lot of passion & a whole lot of grace
And He put it all together and He gave it a name....
God made a woman.

God made a woman to hold the hand of the sick & the weak & the broken man
To fully love and to fill the land with beating hearts of fire

What you gonna do when your heart gets cold & you need somebody to feed your soul
He said it ain't no good for a man to be alone....
So God made a woman.
He said it ain't no good for a man to be alone...
So God made a woman

Yep, I sobbed at these lyrics.  And at every other set of words that were strung together for lyrics for these young singers' songs.....
Phrases like:

" Falling feels like flying 'til you hit the ground"

"I'm gonna love you...like I'm gonna lose you"

"You only need a fire when you're cold..
 You only need a drink when whiskey's all you have to hold"

" I was gettin' kind of used to being someone you might love..."

"Givin' up isn't in my blood..."

"Buried in my soul like California gold..."

I mean, dear God, these kids are kids, so where did they reach to find words like all of these?  I think I write pretty good words and phrases, but not at 20 years old!!! Good Gravy!

Change subject.  The house on the corner is the old house that Al & Ben bought for $80,000 four years ago in a part of Richmond that they took a chance on.  It needs repairs but the main things are new....heat/air/elec, etc.  Now the neighborhood is gradually filling with young couples refurbishing  It's not their forever home.  They want to move out into Ashland or someplace where they can be close to their jobs in the city....but have "goats".  It's listed now at $145,000.  Very thankful.. 

Time for me to move on a bit.  As I close for the afternoon, here is an email out of the blue that I received the other day.  It's people like this that keep me moving forward....especially now.  I know it's hard to read, but by clicking on the picture, it can be read.  I don't remember "Judy".  All I know is that she gave me love and encouragement the other day right when it was needed. It's obvious that she would accept me if I were to let her see the "real" me....not one of the "faithful" she imagines me to be.  I wish everyone had someone like "Judy" to help them feel loved each day. 

Thank you, Judy.  You are a healer:)

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