Sunday, March 22, 2020


Sunday morning.  Sitting here eating my yogurt and fiber bar...been eating a lot of this lately.  Any of you reading know that I can't cook.   Most of you would be appalled at my "Covid-19" diet.  Thank heavens I live alone!!
Anyway, I love my little "ostrich egg".  I have had it for years.  Just throw the eggs in, water in the bottom, close it and stick in the microwave for 6 minutes and VOILA!  Boiled eggs!  That's my little cooking lesson for the day!

Has anyone noticed how happy the birds are? When I go outside they are crazy loud!  Also if I talk on the phone with Al when she is walking Ricky, they are loud enough to interrupt our convesation!! Funny.

This past weekend was a commemoration time remembering the death of Pocahontas.  There is a statue in the Gloucester Court House area because the county was her home at one time.  I have a photo of Powhatan's chimney down in Wicomico.  I used to ride my pony down there when I was in about the 5th or 6th grade.  The chimney is still standing from a home that Pocahontas' husband built for her father Powhatan.  Believe it or not, now it stands in the middle of a housing development.  Sad.

The back of a tshirt from about 5 years ago.  It was a terrific summer.  We used the song "BRAVE" by Sara Bareilles as the camp theme song.  Boy did the kids cut loose on this one!  Everybody was stepping out of their comfort zone!  

This beauty popped up within the past few days.  Wish I could make them last longer.  

Received census prompting in the mail.  I went on the website and filled it in. I am so predictable sometimes.  My friend Lynn and I were talking last night about our growing up years.  She was such a wild child and I was such a goody-two-shoes all my life.  I guess it's kept me out of trouble.  When I did choose something not so good though, it was always a doozy.  Guess I saved all those little things I could have done growing up and pressed them into a few REALLY BAD choices later in life..especially in my first marriage.  By the time I entered into my final marriage, I was back on the straight and narrow.  You can ALWAYS count on Connie to do or say the right thing....sometimes with a stretch of thinking and sorting first.  
And OMG, if I even have a hint of hurting anyone in any way, my friends call me "RAMBO".  I will do ANYTHING to understand what I have done and make it right.  For people who don't understand that it's scary....for my close friends, it's almost comical.  They usually just call me and I come to my senses.  It literally tears my heart wide open to think that I could have hurt or could lose someone or be rejected by someone I love because I did or said the wrong thing.  My dad used to ask me about it...why I was so sensitive about it.  I think it's the whole thing of losing people when I was growing up and I always was made to feel like it was my fault.  My brother, Terry, had thicker skin.  This was the one area I wasn't tough...
I am actually hurting now because of it.  

OK, enough down that road.  There's no fixing it.  I am going back to square one on this one.  Keep quiet....keep it hidden.  

Now the date is set tentatively set for April 18th.  I imagine the CDC and all of that will determine when I will actually get to jump.  It is fun though to go to the website and watch others jump and look around the facilities.  

OK Connie.  Discipline!  Remember your list.  You need to write 2 people, do something you don't want to do and then something that you will love doing.  That's been part of my mantra since 1991.  It is part of my sanity also...especially when I am heartsick.  

It's a beautiful, sunny day here.  Time to finish my rice cake and go under the house and turn on the water to run into the pool for a few hours.  The water level is getting there!! Cold, cold well water!  

Come on Alexa! Play some Nat King Cole and Nora Jones for me!  YES!!

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